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We had a fine prospect of a good trade last fall, and had the goods come in season should by this time have disposed of them to great advantage; but instead of that we have missed collecting the greater part of our Indian debts, as they expected us up the river and have not been here on that account.... I have not heard from Passamaquada for six weeks, but fear they have little or no provisions, and am sure they have no hay for a cow that is there.

The following is a copy of what is probably the first document extant in connection with the business of Hazen and Simonds: Passamaquada, 26th July, 1763. Sir, Please pay unto Mr. Ebenezer Eaton the sum of Five pounds one shilling & four pence Lawfull money, half cash & half Goods, and place the same to the acct. of, Yr. Humble Servant, Jas. Simonds. To Mr. William Hazen, Merchant in Newbury.

The partners had a keen eye to business; on one occasion they purchased a whale from the Indians and tried out the oil, but this seems to have been merely a stray monster of the deep for, in answer to the query of Hazen & Jarvis, James Simonds writes, "With respect to whaling, don't think the sort of whales that are in Passamaquada bay can be caught."