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In the original draft his vacillating mind had leaned more and more decisively towards the Catilinarian conception of his hero, and the book-version of 1783 was accordingly supplied with a motto from Sallust's 'Catiline. The sentence runs: Nam id facinus imprimis ego memorabile existimo, sceleris atque periculi novitate.

It may be observed, that these two poems were produced by events that really happened; and may, therefore, be of use to prove, that we can always feel more than we can imagine, and that the most artful fiction must give way to truth. I am, Sir, Your humble servant, No. 95. Dulcique animos novitate tenebo. OVID. Met. iv. 284. And with sweet novelty your soul detain.

Attonitus novitate mali, divesque miserque, Effugere optat opes; et quoe modo voverat, odit. But it is impossible that men should not sooner or later have made reflections on so wretched a situation, and upon the calamities with which they were overwhelmed.

Seu viri curas pia nupta mulcet, Seu fovet mater sobolem benigna. Sive cum libris novitate pascet Sedula mentem; Sit memor nostri, fideique merces, Stet fides constans, meritoque blandum Thraliae discant resonare nomen Littora Skiae. Scriptum in Skia, Sept. 6, 1773. Tuesday, 7th September Dr Johnson was much pleased with his entertainment here.

Another reason may be found for the long-continued prosperity of Venice, in her constant adherence to a precept, the neglect of which must at length shake, or rather loosen the foundations of every state; for it is a maxim here, handed down from generation to generation, that change breeds more mischief from its novelty, than advantage from its utility: quoting the axiom in Latin, it runs thus: Ipsa mutatio consuetudinis magis perturbat novitate, quam adjuvat utilitate.