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Updated: August 19, 2024

It is I who have broken up its simplicity, and it belongs to my reader to put it together again. James's Psychology, ch. xxvi. Sigwart's Der Begriff des Wollen's, in his Kleine Schriften. A. Alexander's Theories of the Will. Munsterberg's Die Willenshandlung. Hoffding's Psychology, ch. vii. Conceivably a being such, as has been described might advance no farther.

POSTSCRIPT. Not necessarily as a serious contribution to my argument but rather as a gloss on Professor Münsterberg's remark that the American has no talent for lying, I have often wondered how far the Americans reputation for veracity has been injured by their ability as story-tellers. "Story" it must be remembered is used in two senses.

Munsterberg's version of this first truth is that 'Es gibt eine Welt, see his Philosophie der Werte, pp. 38 and 74 And, after all, both these philosophers confess in the end that the primal truth of which they consider our supposed denial so irrational is not properly an insight at all, but a dogma adopted by the will which any one who turns his back on duty may disregard!

You cannot be an American by seeing visions and dreaming dreams. You cannot be an American by reading about them. Professor Munsterberg's volume will not make you an American any more than a study of tactics out of a book will make you a soldier. It is the field that makes you a soldier. It is marching shoulder to shoulder with other soldiers that makes you a soldier.

Compare also the hints in Münsterberg's Grundzüge der Psychologie, chap, xv; those in my own Principles of Psychology, vol. ii, pp. 581-592; and those in W. McDougall's Physiological Psychology, chap. vii. Compare Zend-Avesta, 2d edition, vol. i, pp. 165 ff., 181, 206, 244 ff., etc.; Die Tagesansicht, etc., chap, v, § 6; and chap. xv.

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