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We went towards the spot whence the noise came to the small platform, where the two combatants Captain Hayne and Marcus Mayer, were fighting with revolvers in their hands. Marcus Mayer's eye was out of its orbit, and blood covered the face of Captain Hayne.

He wore no longer the well-cut clothes of Mr. Douglas Romilly's Saville Row tailor, but a ready-made suit of Schmitt & Mayer's business reach-me-downs, an American felt hat and square-toed shoes. "She said a week," he repeated. "It's a fortnight to-day. I'll go to the restaurant at the corner. I must find out for myself what all this noise means, what the city has to say."

But he had agreed with Crowder not to tell her, and anyway he had satisfied himself as to her sentiments she was proof against Mayer's poisonous charm. At this stage he could enlighten her no further; all that now remained for him to do was to give her a hint of that guardianship to which he was pledged.

Again their fresh young voices, gay with the musical hilarity of happiness, carolled the Mayer's song: "We have been rambling all this night, And almost all this day; And now returning back again, We bring you in the May! A branch of May we have brought you, And at your door it stands, 'Tis but a sprout, But 'tis budded out, By the work of our Lord's hands.