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Rose, and paying the reckoning, 12s. 6d.; servants and poor, 2s. 6d.; musick, the worst we have had, coming to our chamber-door, but calling us by wrong names, we lay; so set out with one coach in company, and through Maydenhead, which I never saw before, to Colebrooke by noon; the way mighty good; and there dined, and fitted ourselves a little to go through London, anon.

If it come to that once that they take the Towne You will see Spanish Dons heads cryed up and downe: as they doe our Orenges and Lymons; and the woemens heads shall off, too, not a maydenhead of gold shall scape 'em. Ele.

Rose, and paying the reckoning, 12s. 8d.; servants and poor, 2s. 6d.; musick, the worst we have had, coming to our chamber-door, but calling us by wrong names; so set out with one coach in company, and through Maydenhead, which I never saw before, to Colebrooke by noon; the way mighty good; and there dined, and fitted ourselves a little to go through London anon.

A fine new name for a maydenhead! Ele. May all the curses of all iniured weomen Fall on thy head! Hen. Would not the curses of all good ones serve? So many might perhaps be borne: but, pray, Tell me what moves you thus? Why stand you soe Aloofe, my Lord? I doe not love to bee Usd like a stranger: welcome's all I looke for. Fer. What boldnesse beyond madnesse gives him languadge!

Rose, and paying the reckoning, 12s. 6d.; servants and poor, 2s. 6d.; musick, the worst we have had, coming to our chamber-door, but calling us by wrong names, we lay; so set out with one coach in company, and through Maydenhead, which I never saw before, to Colebrooke by noon; the way mighty good; and there dined, and fitted ourselves a little to go through London, anon.