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I was very sound asleep when a violent shaking of the arm woke me, and Le Marchant's whisper in my ear "Carré, there's something wrong. Don't speak! Listen!" brought me all to myself in a moment, and I heard what he heard, the hushed movement of people in the outer room off which our bedroom opened, the soft creak of a loose board in the flooring.

Don't you see it?" he added, excitedly. "The rubber dagger was only a means to an end. Some one who knew the weakness of Marchant first placed digitalis in his tea. That was possible because of the taste of the tea. Then, in the excitement of the act pantomimed by Errol, Marchant's disease carried him off, exactly as was to be expected under the circumstances. It was clever, diabolically clever.

In the villages we had no difficulty in buying food, and to all who questioned we were on our way to the Nore to join a King's ship and fight the Frenchmen. To cover Le Marchant's lack of speech, we muffled his face in flannel and gave him a toothache which rendered him bearish and disinclined for talk.

In the first place, I found that digitalis had been put in Marchant's tea." "They'll be here directly," I reported from the telephone, hanging it up and joining them again. "It couldn't have been an accident, as Karatoff said," went on Kennedy, rapidly. "The drug increased the blood pressure of Marchant, who was already suffering from hardening of the arteries.