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All this was in accord with Kamatari's carefully devised plans. They were epoch making. The story of Japan's relations with Korea throughout the period of over a century, from the accession of Kimmei to the abdication of Kogyoku , is a series of monotonously similar chapters, the result for Japan being that she finally lost her position at Mimana.

Moreover, Kamatari makes his first appearance in the annals as chief Shinto official. Nevertheless, it is not apparent that religious zeal or personal resentment was primarily responsible for Kamatari's determination to compass the ruin of the Soga.

The secluded valley where the momentous meetings took place received the name of Tamu* no Mine, and a shrine stands there now in memory of Kamatari. The Emperor would fain have attended Kamatari's obsequies in person, but his ministers dissuaded him on the ground that such a course would be unprecedented.

The hardships of the journey are attested by the fact that three of the student-priests died at sea. One remained in China for thirty-six years, and Joye, Kamatari's son, did not return to Japan for twelve years. *The ship carrying the embassy was wrecked off the south coast of Japan, and out of 120 persons only five escaped.

The last was, of course, excluded from Kamatari's calculations, and as between the first two he judged it wiser that Prince Karu should have precedence in the succession, Prince Naka not being old enough. The conspiracy that ensued presents no specially remarkable feature.