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Ever in New York, Mister?" he added. The prisoner made no reply. "You are enough like Itto to be his brother," Ned said. "Perhaps you won't mind telling me which one of you stole Frank Shaw's necklace?" The prisoner turned his back indignantly.

"You don't need any whiskers, boy, to do the brain work of a man. Here comes the first batch!" Itto and Gostel were the first ones brought in. Itto was wounded fatally and Gostel was bleeding from a wound in the side. The other men were not injured. They stood in a little group for a moment, and then Itto dropped to the ground.

Chester seemed to be asking for more time. Presently the date Ned had found on the two drawings was mentioned. "The time set was Saturday to-morrow," Itto said, grimly. "That was decided upon a long time ago," Van Ellis said. "Before the New York complications arose," Chester argued. "We did not know at that time what complications might result from the defection of one of our number.

"Working under instructions from his confederates, Pedro let Gaga into the house about six o'clock one rainy night. He remained inside so long without reporting to those outside that they demanded admittance, and Pedro was obliged to let them in. This must have been about nine o'clock. When Itto and the other man entered, they went at their work roughly. They assaulted Mr.