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I had nothing but what I stood up in shirt, shorts, and cowboy-hat, and my old haversack, which contained soap, towel and razor, and also a sketch-book and a small colour-box. The Irish sea-winds whistled up my shorts but I preferred the icy wind to the stinking cattle-stalls and insect-infested straw below. We were packed in like sardines. Men were retching and groaning, cussing and growling.

Under the stars and sweeping night winds, what a lamp-flower it must bloom; a strange, glittering night-flower, odour-yielding, insect-drawing, insect-infested rose of pleasure. "See that fellow coming in there?" said Hurstwood, glancing at a gentleman just entering, arrayed in a high hat and Prince Albert coat, his fat cheeks puffed and red as with good eating. "No, where?" said Drouet.

Keep the house clean, dry, and well aired, and all dish and cleaning cloths sweet and fresh by washing and drying immediately after use, with a weekly boiling in borax water; dispose carefully of all food, and then wage a war of extermination. This is all that will avail in an insect-infested house.

Yet, here is the fact of the lighted chamber, the dressy greedy company, the small, self-interested palaver, the disorganized, aimless, wandering mental action which it represents-the love of light and show and finery which, to one outside, under the serene light of the eternal stars, and sweeping night winds, what a lamp-flower it must bloom; a strange, glittering night-flower, yielding-yielding, insect-drawing, insect-infested rose of pleasure.