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The jocose tone, it maybe added, seems to have been a characteristic part of the Brook Farm experiment, despite the sober earnest and rapt enthusiasm that accompanied it. The members had their laughing allusions, and talked in a strain of self-ridicule precisely similar to Coverdale's of having bands of music to play for the field-laborers, who should plough in tune.

Many who are field-laborers in the country, receiving their shilling a day, have sent their children to reside with some relations or friends in town, for the purpose of giving them the benefits of this school. Several such children were pointed out to us. The increase of female scholars during the first year of emancipation, was in this school alone, about eighty.

It is not a dermatitis, as a dermatitis usually causes deposition of pigment. The rays of the sun bronze the skin; mustard, cantharides, and many like irritants cause a dermatitis, which is accompanied by a deposition of pigment. Leukoderma is as common in housemaids as in field-laborers, and is in no way attributable to exposure of sun or wind.

Once, when Dale had stopped thus to talk to Mr. Maghull, there were two field-laborers leaning against a gate and discussing people as they passed. Neither of them was a Baptist. One was a stupid old man, and his would-be-funny chatter, at which the other kept guffawing, bothered Dale in his serious conversation with Mr. Maghull. "Be that little Norrer Veale?" "I dunno."

As I rode along between carefully cultivated estates, I did not fail to catch the enthusiasm which groups of cheerful field-laborers always inspire in one whose happiest recollections run back to the labors of the farm.

We hailed the field-laborers and the town-artisans at their toil, and every hour plunged deeper and deeper into the old civilization of the East, which in some respects differs greatly from that of our breezy West. It was time to be thinking on my journey's end and its probable results.