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Updated: August 10, 2024

Feudalism itself, with its curious net-work of fealties and obligations running through the fabric of society in every direction, was by no means purely disintegrative in its tendencies. The mutual relations of rival baronies were by no means like those of rival clans or tribes in pre-Roman days.

Beirne's the outer tumult was echoed in the manner of the well-bred. The doors were shut, with the infant inside; the lights flew up; glasses clinked, merry healths were pledged, new fealties sworn by look alone. Gaiety overcame silence. All talked with one voice. Carlisle Heth descended the stairs in a carriage-robe of blue-and-fur, giving and taking lively good-nights.

There was nothing in this gathering at the Capitol to touch the imagination with illusion, no ball-room splendor of light, fragrance and jewels, none of those graceful enchantments by which women have been content to reign through brief dynasties of beauty and briefer fealties of homage.

Not to talk about it, not to think about it much, but take care of Farvie and you write and both of us work on plays and sometime " "Yes," said Jeff, "sometime " One tremendous desire, of all the desires tumultuous in him, was strongest. If Lydia was to be his though already she seemed supremely his in all the shy fealties of the moment not a petal of the flower of love should be lost to her.

And also, the fees, fealties, and seruices which belonged to him in the countie of Amund, and in the vallie called Vale Dosta; and in like maner, the towne of Castellone. It was also couenanted, if the elder daughter died, that then the said John should marrie the yoonger daughter, and enioy all the like portions and parts of inheritance as he should haue enioied with the first.

And beyond the mountaines he couenanted to giue vnto them Turine with the appurtenances, the colledge of Gauoreth with the appurtenances, and all the fées which the earles of Canaues held of him, togither with the fealties and seruices.

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