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Updated: August 13, 2024

How much Nietzsche owed to Wagner may perhaps never be definitely known; to those who are sufficiently interested to undertake the investigation of this matter, we would recommend Hans Belart's book, Nietzsche's Ethik; in it references will be found which give some clue as to the probable sources from which the necessary information may be derived.

But so far from finding any swagger of a Chosen People, whether Jewish or German, I find in its most popular work Lazarus's "Soziale Ethik im Judentum" published as late as November, 1913, by the League of German Jews a grave indictment of militarism.

His Ethik, his lectures upon many subjects, numerous volumes of sermons, all published after his death, witness his versatility. His sermons have the rare note which one finds in Robertson and Brooks.

The literature of moral philosophy has been substantially enriched by Wundt, Ethik, 1886, 2d ed., 1892; and Friedrich Paulsen, System der Ethik, 1889, 2d ed., 1891. Ziegler, Sittliches Sein und Werden, 2d ed., 1890; G. Simmel, Einleitung in die Moralwissenschaft, vol. i. 1892.

This position I regard as exceedingly important, and have recently upheld in a paper on "Ethik und Weltanschauung," in opposition to the "Society for Ethical Culture" lately founded in Berlin, which would teach and promote ethics without reference to any view of the world or to religion. Just as I take the monistic to be the only rational basis for all science, I claim the same also for ethics.

Ziegler in Strasburg, Geschichte der christlichen Ethik, 1886, 2d ed., with index, 1892; Rob. Retrospect.% In order to avoid the appearance of arbitrary construction we have been sparing with references of a philosophico-historical character.

Karl Furtmüller, entitledPsychoanalyse und Ethik,” and find there, p. 5, a passage which I reproduce here on account of its agreement with my position.

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