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Updated: August 24, 2024

Zan ye on necuiltonolo in tlalticpac ay oppan titlano chimalli xochitl ay oppan ahuiltilon ipalnemohua; ye ic anauia in tlailotlaqui xayacamacha huia ho ay ya yi ee ohuaya ha ohuaya. The only joy on earth will be again to send the shield-flower, again to rejoice the Giver of Life; already are discontented the faces of the workers in filth.

Maciuhtiao o in quinequi noyollo, zan chimalli xochitl mixochiuh ipalnemoani, quen conchihuaz noyollo yehua onentacico tonquizaco in tlalticpac a ohuaya ohuaya. Although I wish that the Giver of Life shall give for flowers the shield-flower, how shall I grieve that your efforts have been in vain, that you have gone forth from the world.

In ma oc tonahuican antocnihuan ayiahuc, ma oc xonahuiacan antepilhuan in ixtlahuatl itec, y nemoaquihuic zan tictotlanehuia o a in chimalli xochitl in tlachinoll, ohuaya, ohuaya, ohuaya. Let us rejoice, dear friends, and may ye rejoice, O children, within the open field, and going forth to it, let us revel amid the shield-flowers of the battle.

Truly they live there within the heavens, there in a place of delight only. O yohualli icahuacan teuctlin popoca ahuiltilon Dios ipalnemohuani: chimalli xochitl in cuecuepontimani in mahuiztli moteca molinian tlalticpac, ye nican ic xochimicohuayan in ixtlahuac itec a ohuaya ohuaya.

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