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"M-my b-b-brother, yes." " is threatened with insolvency " "They c-c-call it in-ins-s-solvency?" Liquidation, you understand, is not the same as failure. When a man fails, he is dishonored; but when he merely liquidates, he remains an honest man." "T-t-that's very d-d-different, if it d-d-doesn't c-c-cost m-m-more," said Grandet.

Well, then, three h-h-hundred times thir-thirty-two lost m-m-me five hundred in h-h-hay; add twice as much for the side rows, fifteen hundred; the middle rows as much more. So we may c-c-call it a th-thousand b-b-bales of h-h-hay " "Very good," said Cruchot, to help out his friend; "a thousand bales are worth about six hundred francs."

D-d-don't declare a f-f-failure; c-c-call a meeting; l-l-liquidate; and then Gr-Gr-Grandet will see what he c-c-can do. B-b-better liquidate than l-let the l-l-law st-st-stick its n-n-nose in. Hein? isn't it so?" "Exactly so," said the president. "B-because, don't you see, Monsieur de B-Bonfons, a man must l-l-look b-b-before he l-leaps. If you c-c-can't, you c-c-can't.

"D-d-did you c-c-call him Je-Je-Jeremy B-Ben?" "Bentham, an Englishman. "That's a Jeremy who might save us a lot of lamentations in business," said the notary, laughing. "Those Englishmen s-sometimes t-t-talk sense," said Grandet. "So, ac-c-cording to Ben-Bentham, if my b-b-brother's n-notes are worth n-n-nothing; if Je-Je I'm c-c-correct, am I not?

His voice died away into the empty stillness without response. Only the mocking devil awoke again in the Gadfly. "'C-c-call him louder; perchance he s-s-sleepeth' " Montanelli started up as if he had been struck. For a moment he stood looking straight before him; then he sat down on the edge of the pallet, covered his face with both hands, and burst into tears.