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If she only gave herself to one or two persons, though for money, it was not prostitution. Guyot, La Prostitution, p. 8. Bonger, Criminalité et Conditions Economiques, p. 378. Bonger believes that the act of prostitution is "intrinsically equal to that of a man or woman who contracts a marriage for economical reasons."

Bonger, in his able discussion of the economic side of the question, has realized the wide and deep basis of prostitution when he reaches the conclusion that it is "on the one hand the inevitable complement of the existing legal monogamy, and on the other hand the result of the bad conditions in which many young girls grow up, the result of the physical and psychical wretchedness in which the women of the people live, and the consequence also of the inferior position of women in our actual society."

Thus, according to Wharton's Law-lexicon a prostitute is "a woman who indiscriminately consorts with men for hire"; Bonger states that "those women are prostitutes who sell their bodies for the exercise of sexual acts and make of this a profession"; Richard again states that "a prostitute is a woman who publicly gives herself to the first comer in return for a pecuniary remuneration."

Bonger, Criminalité et Conditions Economiques, 1905, pp. 378-414. La Donna Delinquente, p. 401. Raciborski, Traité de l'Impuissance, p. 20.

A. Sherwell, Life in West London, 1897, Ch. Bonger brings together statistics illustrating this point, op. cit., pp. 402-6. The Nightless City, p. 125. Ströhmberg, as quoted by Aschaffenburg, Das Verbrechen, 1903, p. 77. Monatsschrift für Harnkrankheiten und Sexuelle Hygiene, 1906. Heft 10, p. 460.

Of this ornament Nature has been very liberal; it is universally black, and is formed into a kind of circular wreath upon the top of the head, where it is fastened with a bodkin, in a taste which we thought inexpressibly elegant: The wreath of hair is surrounded by another of flowers, in which the Arabian jessamine is beautifully intermixed with the golden stars of the bonger tanjong.