Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 9, 2024

The ability to foretell future events by the flight or calls of birds, actions of animals, by the condition of the liver and gall of sacrificed pigs, or by the movements of certain articles under the questioning of a medium, is an undoubted fact in this society. A small bird known as labeg, is the messenger of the spirits, who control the Bakid and Sangásang ceremonies.

In Manabo a piece of banana bark is taken from one of the plantings beside a bawi; and, after being washed in the water, is applied to the affected limb. The final act is to take a coconut husk, stick feathers in its sides, and hang it beside the bawi as a sign to all that the ceremony has been held. No spirits are summoned at this time, neither is there singing or dancing. Bakid.

The guests return to their homes, and for two or three days following are barred from entering the new dwelling. During this period the family must remain indoors. Sangásang. Sangásang is often so similar to the Bakid, that one description might cover both. This is particularly true, if it is held to remove a bad sign.

Failing in this, he will be compelled by the other spirits to celebrate the Bakid ceremony five times at his own expense.

One after another of the guests sings the daleng, in which they bespeak for the owner a long and prosperous life in his new home. The Bakid always ends with a feast, in which the flesh of slaughtered animals plays the important part. Upon its completion, the medium is given a portion of the meat, some unthreshed rice, and other small gifts, as payment for her services.

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