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Compared with these performances some of the current prodigies of gormandism which the papers so often report are surely as trifling in amount as they are tame and uninventive in the character of their details. The strange accident of Albertacce brought to general notice an obscure Corsican custom which singularly contrasts with the ordinary funeral ceremonies of Christendom.

See, I was there, close to Jean, when Mathieu appeared at ten paces from us. 'Jean, he cried, 'do not go to Albertacce; do not go, Jean, or I will kill you. I warn you! "I took Jean's arm: 'Do not go there, Jean; he will do it. "It was about a girl whom they were both after, Paulina Sinacoupi. "But Jean cried out: 'I am going, Mathieu; you will not be the one to prevent me.

'Jean, he cried; 'don't go to Albertacce; don't you go, Jean, or I'll kill you: I took Jean's arm. 'Don't go Jean, I said, 'or he'll do it. It was about a girl, Paulina Sinacoupi, that they were both after. Then Jean cried out, 'I shall go, Mathieu; and you won't stop me, either. Then Mathieu raised his gun, and, before I could take aim, he fired.

Such, at least, is the account of the vocero given by a correspondent of the XIX'e Siècle, who visited the scene of the Albertacce accident, where a roomful of celebrants were suddenly precipitated into the cellar by the giving way of the floor.