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I am proud to be so presented to the great French people, whom I sincerely love and honour, and to be known and approved by whom must be an aspiration of every labourer in the Arts, for which France has done so much, and in which she has made herself renowned through the world. This is the only edition of my writings that has my sanction.

Rogers, Traits and Stories of the Scottish People, p.

Cassell's Old and New Edinburgh, its History, its People and its Places, by JAMES GRANT, 3 vols. Cassell, Pelter, Galpin and Co. London, n. d. Modern Edinburgh. London, The Religious Tract Society, n. d. Mysterious Legends of Edinburgh, by ALEXANDER LEIGHTON. Edinburgh, William Nimmo, 1864. Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood, Geological and Historical, by HUGH MILLER. Edinburgh, William Nimmo, 1879.

Chap. IV. J. Clark Murray: The Ballads and Songs of Scotland, in view of their influence on the Character of the People. Chap. IV: The Border Feuds. [Note 657: Prescott. Essais de Biographie et de Critique, les chants de l'

Après un accord de l'orgue, s'est alors élevé en un gigantesque unisson le premier psaume chanté par ce chœur inouï: All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.

Her checkered career from this time on is well known. He was married to Mary Stuart in 1558 and the next year ascended the throne of France. Owing to his weak health and mental incapacity the affairs of the kingdom fell into the hands of the Guises, uncles of Mary Stuart. This led to great discontent among the people, which was aggravated by the fierce religious factions of the times.

Rogers, Traits and Stories of the Scottish People, p. Rogers, Scotland Social and Domestic, p. 36; Traits and Stories, etc., p. Rogers, Scotland Social and Domestic, p. 34.

[Note 76: L'aurore des beaux arts en Amérique s'annonce d'une manière brillante. West, Copely, Vanderlyn, Stewart, People, Allsion sont comptés au rang des peintres distingués. Des femmes même sont entrées avec succès dans la carrière littéraire. Mme de Waren, qui vient de donner son Histoire de la révolution américaine, Mlle Hannah Adams, qui entre autres ouvrages a publié La Vérité et L'Excellence du Christianisme prouvées par les écrits des laïcs, etc. Cette énumération est déj

The mere fact, officially declared by M. Guizot, that the government, the Legislature and the people of France earnestly demand a revision of these engagements, while they profess at the same time an undiminished desire to attain the objects for which they were contracted, would afford to Her Majesty's government a sufficent reason for agreeing to the proposed enquiry.

Social Life in Scotland from Early to Recent Times, by the Rev. CHARLES ROGERS, 3 vols. Edinburgh. W. Paterson, 1884-86. Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1877. Scottish Characteristics, by PAXTON HOOD. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1883. Trails and Stories of the Scottish People, by the Rev. CHARLES ROGERS. London, Houlston and Wright, 1877.