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Doña María is a type of Spanish woman of which history furnishes numerous parallels. Her family name had suffered disgrace and her own father was crying out for an avenger; there was no one else to take up the task, she eagerly took it upon herself and punished her suitor with the death she thought he deserved.

The family of Lope de Vega Carpio was one of high rank, if not noble, and had a manor house in the mountain regions of northwestern Spain. Of his parents we know nothing more than the scanty mention the poet has given them in his works. It would seem that they lived a while at least in Madrid, where the future prince of Spanish dramatists was born, November 25, 1562.

Thus we find that in 1585 Spain had a divided drama, represented on the one side by the drama of reason and proportion fashioned after Greek and Roman models, and on the other a loosely joined, irregular, romantic drama of adventure and intrigue, such as was demanded by the Spanish temperament.

His genius is uneven, but when at his best Palacio Valdés is one of the most charming of modern novelists. His better known works are probably La hermana San Sulpicio and La alegría del capitán Ribot.

Of the early literary efforts of Lope de Vega, such as have come down to us are evidently but a small part, but from them we know something of the breadth of his genius. In childhood even he wrote voluminously, and one of his plays, El Verdadero Amante, which we have of this early period, was written at the age of twelve, but was probably rewritten later in the author's life.

Y por dos semanas en dicho puerto de San Julian, no tuvimos otros vientos sino del N y NE muy fuertes, y el resto del tiempo que estuvimos en el expresado puerto, eran del ONE al O y OSE: solamente un tal vez algun viento N ó S, pero nunca vino á E del S, solamente en airecitos, que no duraban mucho tiempo.

In politics he was a conservative and a Carlist, and his writings evince a hostile attitude towards modernism. Pereda was the most reactionary, Pérez Galdós one of the most progressive, of modern Spanish writers; but the two men were the best of friends, which goes to show that neither was narrow.

Madrid, with all its unsightliness, was one of the most brilliant courts of Europe and attracted to itself the most gifted subjects of the realm.