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Las inglesas, uniformes como hechas en molde, contenían á veces observaciones de una singular candidez como estas: «Chamonix is a very beautiful country! John Belton.» «I am very happy indeed; William CarterLas de italianos abundaban en citas de versos de Dante, Ariosto y otros poetas ilustres.

Sin embargo, The Custom of the country, de Fletcher, como indica V. Schmidt, en sus adiciones á la Historia de la poesía romántica, no es otra cosa en su conjunto, y conservando hasta los nombres, que una imitación de invenciones aisladas del Persiles, de Cervantes; y la escena, en que Guiomar defiende á los asesinos de su propio hijo, de los agentes de la justicia, es casi una traducción de la novela española.

When the Spanish people, though deserted by many of those to whom they looked for leadership, had worn out the French by their stubborn resistance, a new disaster fell to their lot. Their American colonies, extending from California to the straits of Magellan, fell away from the mother country one by one, until only a few islands were left.

On the sarcophagus rises a pedestal in doric style, upon which are four statuettes that symbolize love of country, valor, constancy, and virtue. In the midst of the statues rises a tall obelisk, upon which is written in characters of gold, Dos de Mayo. =Se puso a=, began to. = exclamar a Luisa=, I heard Luisa exclaim. =Debía de ser=, must have been.