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Since an early date, however, the term has been applied to Spaniards returning to the native land after having made a fortune in the Americas.

Was expelled from Spain, and after his return was imprisoned, on account of the writings of his early youth. Was a republican deputy from Valencia to the Cortes. Works: Cuentos valencianos, 2 vols., La barraca, Flor de mayo, La catedral, El intruso, La bodega, La horda, La maja desnuda, Sangre y arena, et al. See An Apostle of New Spain, by Dr. R. H. Keniston, in The Nation of December 24, 1908.

For almost half a century after the publication of the Propaladia the Spanish theater advanced but little, for this was the period when Carlos Quinto ruled Spain and kept the national interest fixed on his military achievements, which were for the most part outside of the peninsula.

He studied there in the State College, and came to Madrid in 1863, for the purpose of reading law. This profession held but little interest for him, and he did not follow it further. He was already dreaming of a literary career, and after a brief trial of journalism, his first novel, La Fontana de Oro , was published. In 1872 his next book, El Audaz, was completed.

It was formerly believed, as related by Montalvan, that he returned from the University of Alcalá to Madrid about 1582, was married and, after a duel with a nobleman, was obliged to flee to Valencia, where he remained until he enlisted in the Invincible Armada in 1588, but recent research has proved the case to be quite otherwise.

=Echó una carrerita=, advanced a short distance. =Después de cambiadas=, after having exchanged. =Echó a correr=, started to run. =Que era la que pensaba seguir=, which was the one he intended to follow. =A me de daba=, note the redundant personal pronoun. =De parte de Luisa, que =, by order of Luisa, yes. =Rompió a sollozar=, broke out sobbing.

Thus we find that in 1585 Spain had a divided drama, represented on the one side by the drama of reason and proportion fashioned after Greek and Roman models, and on the other a loosely joined, irregular, romantic drama of adventure and intrigue, such as was demanded by the Spanish temperament.