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"Thee cas'n goo no vurder," Bill Blacksmith saith to me: "nawbody 'lowed to crass the vord, until such time as Faggus coom; plaise God us may mak sure of 'un." "Amen, zo be it," says I; "God knoweth I be never in any hurry, and would zooner stop nor goo on most taimes." 'Wi' that I pulled my vittles out, and zat a horsebarck, atin' of 'em, and oncommon good they was.

"Steamer's very crowded this time," O'Malley replied, shrugging his shoulders; "but you'll let me come up sometimes for a smoke with you on the bridge?" "Of course, of course." "Anybody interesting on board?" he asked after a moment's pause. The jolly Captain laughed. "'Pout the zame as usual, you know. Nothing to stop ze ship! Ask ze doctor; he knows zooner than me.

"'Thee cas'n goo no vurder, Bill Blacksmith saith to me: 'nawbody 'lowed to crass the vord, until such time as Faggus coom; plaise God us may mak sure of 'un. "'Amen, zo be it, says I; 'God knoweth I be never in any hurry, and would zooner stop nor goo on most taimes. "Wi' that I pulled my vittles out, and zat a horsebarck, atin' of 'em, and oncommon good they was.

And who be you to zupport of her, and her son, if she have one? Zarve thee right if I was to chuck thee down into the Doone-track. Zim thee'll come to un, zooner or later, if this be the zample of thee." And that was all he had to say, instead of thanking God!

And who be you to zupport of her, and her son, if she have one? Zarve thee right if I was to chuck thee down into the Doone-track. Zim thee'll come to un, zooner or later, if this be the zample of thee. And that was all he had to say, instead of thanking God!