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One of dese war de white man's fault, dis baby war born wid de jaundice en I tolds dis white man ter go ter de store en git me sum calomel en he says, "whoeber heard of givin a baby sech truck", an so dat baby died. "Of course youse can tell wheder the baby is gwine ter be a boy er girl fore tis born.

With the tiny light still burning, he passed quickly from one room to another, his location being easily told by the listeners below. It took him less than a minute to gain the knowledge he wished, when the match burned out and was flung aside. "I wonder wheder he'll set fiah " A sharp pinch on Dinah's arm warned her that she was displeasing her mistress, and she closed her mouth.

She had by this time dug up the keg from its hiding-place, and now filled Tony's canteen. "Tank you, missus; de Lord bress you for what you've done, wheder I get Massa Wingfield off or wheder we bofe get killed ober de job. But I must get back as fast as I can. Ef it was dark before I got back to camp dey would wonder whar I had been."

You see, wild rugged ground much de same wheder de mountains rise a few t'ousand foot, like dese, or poke der snow-topped heads troo de clouds right away up into de blue sky, like de Andes. Rugged ground is rugged ground, an' hard on de legs all de same, an' dis am rugged 'nuff even for 'Ockins!"

"Wheder dere's anyfing wrong or not, 'snot for me to say, massa, but I t'ink dere's suffin' up, for she seems in a carfuffle." "Tell her I shall be with her instantly." Completing his toilet hastily, our hero repaired to his mother's apartment, where he found her seated in dishabille with an open letter in her hand, and some excitement in her face.

'All right, Sam said. "'Am dat you, captain? some one say. "'Me got a captain here, Sam say; 'you come and see wheder he yours. "De men came up and look in de captain's face. "'Hullo, dey say; 'de captain am dead. "'Me no tink him dead, I say. 'He had a fight, and Sam come to him aid and beat de rascals off. You had better take him straight on board de ship.

She had by this time dug up the keg from its hiding-place, and now filled Tony's canteen. "Tank you, missus; de Lord bress you for what you've done, wheder I get Massa Wingfield off or wheder we bofe get killed ober de job. But I must get back as fast as I can. Ef it was dark before I got to camp dey would wonder whar I had been."

"Ain't it better dat one ob us should go dead, dan bofe should be obstinguished?" asked the uncle reproachfully. "Dat 'pends which am de one to go dead; if it am me, it am better for you, but I don't see whar I'm to come in; 'spose you see wheder you can got de gun " "Dar he comes!" whispered Uncle Pete.

An murderin's a graat sin, wheder it's witches or oother foak, 'In t' books they doan't coe it t' Witch's Pool at aw, said Louie, obstinately. 'They coe it t' Mermaid's Pool. 'An anoother book coes it a "Hammer-dry-ad," said David, mockingly, 'soa theer yo are.

I fine strong nigger and work well, so he gib de gal four yards ob bright cotton for wedding dress, and a bottle ob rum to me, and we married. "Two or tree years pass, and my wife hab two piccanninies. Den de massa go home to Spain, and leab overseer in plantation. Berry bad man dat. Before, if nigger work well he not beaten. Now he beaten wheder he work or not.