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A as much as you like!" Sobashnikov drawled out like an actor, making superciliously squeamish creases about his mouth. "I shall repeat the very same things myself." "There's a fine fellow, now, I love you for that!" exclaimed Jennie joyously and maliciously, striking her fist on the table. "You can tell an owl at once by its flight, a good man by his snot!"

The navvy lurches against the lamp. The twins scuttle off in the dark. The navvy, swaying, presses a forefinger against a wing of his nose and ejects from the farther nostril a long liquid jet of snot. Shouldering the lamp he staggers away through the crowd with his flaring cresset. Snakes of river fog creep slowly. From drains, clefts, cesspools, middens arise on all sides stagnant fumes.

Is you gwine to put me out to be snot at? Me done thought thar war 'nuff white folks to get shotten at, widout de poor darkies like me. "'Yes; but you want to be free, do you not, Ham? "'Yeas; Massa Tom, I wants dat I wants it bad; but how is gwine to come? "'Fight for it. You are no better than I am, are you? Had you not as well be shot as for me to be? "'Yeas, sir; dat am so.

Rockefeller's heroic attempt to suppress the ICONOCLAST by excluding it from his little gate-system railroad; when the senatorial candidacy of Chollie-Boy Culberson becomes a weariness to the spirit, and the Texas Baptist convention, with its stage accessories of snuffles and snot develops into nux vomica, I can turn to Jay Jay's flamboyant cyclopedia of misinformation and observe with ever increasing interest the attempts of ye able editor to diagnose the disease of the body politic and steer it clear of the funeral director.

"I kenna hoo I never thoucht o' sic a thing afore," answered Janet, leaning her broom against the wall, and dusting a chair for her visitor; "but this mornin', whan my man an' me was sittin' at oor brakfast, there cam' sic a clap o' thunner, 'at it jist garred the bit hoosie trim'le; an' doon fell a snot o' soot intil the very spune 'at my man was cairryin' till's honest moo.

"Gabriele, you are going to stop that crudeness right now! Here, give Betty some Betty cake!" "Que cosas oir! What things to hear." She sat down between Nathaniel and Michael. "And smell." "Betty," said Nathaniel, " Put your snot rags up your holes and you won't need to know we are around." "I taked care of you when tu madre was not here and this you dices cosas malvados a mi."

"I'll lick you next time," yelled Dick, evilly. "You stuck-up little snot!" Miss Amanda Hill, the teacher, rang the bell, calling all her scholars in, and school began once more. Dick Hardman sat across the room from Pan and behind the teacher's back he made ugly faces at Pan and, more than that, put his nose to his thumb. Pan understood that, and quick as a flash, he returned the compliment.

You know his cousin has always treated me as a sister; we have grown up together, and I was allowed to participate in her lessons and learn what she learned. We were always together, and even now I have snot ceased going to Castle Weissenstein, although it is garrisoned by a detachment of Bavarian soldiers.

The long, dark streak of the gliding weapon, and the little bubbling vortex which followed its rapid flight, were easily to be seen: but it was not until the handle snot again into the air by its own reaction, and its master catching it in his hand, threw its tines uppermost, that Elizabeth was acquainted with the success of the blow.

"No, no, Massa Nadgel 'snot dat. But he was awrful fond ob his wife an' darter, an' I know he's got a photogruff ob 'em bof togidder, an' I t'ink he'd sooner lose his head dan lose dat, for I've seed him look at 'em for hours, an' kiss 'em sometimes w'en he t'ought I was asleep." The return of the hermit here abruptly stopped the conversation.