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You that's a sodger will think me but a silly auld wife; but I fed him, and relieved him, and keepit him hidden till the pursuit was ower." "And who," said Morton, "dares disapprove of your having done so?" "I kenna," answered the blind woman; "I gat ill-will about it amang some o' our ain folk. They said I should hae been to him what Jael was to Sisera.

By the time that the army reached Kenna, where once the water was made wine, the July sun was already hot, and the spring was so soon drunk dry that many men could get no water. On they pushed into the desert lands below, which lay between them and Tiberias, and were bordered on the right and left by hills.

'Ay, and the young Laird of Hazlewood rides hame half the road wi' her after sermon, said one of the gossips in company. 'I wonder how auld Hazlewood likes that. 'I kenna how he may like it now, answered another of the tea-drinkers; 'but the day has been when Ellangowan wad hae liked as little to see his daughter taking up with their son.

'Do yo' mean Black Bart Hawley? 'Dat's the man, where is he? 'Dealin' faro fo' Mike Kenna in Topeka a week ago friend ob yours? 'Dat's none ob yo' damned business, snorted de ol' gin'ral, givin' his hoss de spur. Sho', Massa Jack, he nebber knowed he was talkin' ter dat same Hawley, an' dat black debble jest laughed as he rode off." "When was all this, Neb?"

But aduro timeus yeck jalled avree an' got nashered, and kenna there's only shove; but they pens 'em the Seven Whistlers. An' that sims the story tute pookered mandy of the Seven Stars. Sir, the story of the Seven Whistlers, you know, is in the Scriptures so they told me. An' the Seven Whistlers are seven spirits of ladies that go by the night, through the air, over the heaven, like birds.

Occasionally a word would fall from him, or a murmur of half-articulation float up like the sound of a river of souls; but whether Malcolm heard, or only seemed to hear, something like this, he could not tell, for he could not be certain that he had not himself shaped the words by receiving the babble into the moulds of the laird's customary thought and speech: "I dinna ken whaur I cam frae I kenna whaur I'm gaein' till.

She went next to the dairy, and came back with a jug of the richest milk, which she set beside the porridge, whereupon they drew their seats to the table all but Steenie. 'Come, Steenie, said his mother, 'here's yer supper. 'I dinna care aboot ony supper the nicht, mother, answered Steenie. 'Guidsake, laddie, I kenna hoo ye live! she returned in an accent almost of despair,

"He's wanting to barrow money," she cried; "I'm nearly sure o't! I maun caution Johnny when he comes back frae Fleckie, afore he gangs east the toon. Gourlay could get him to do ocht! He always admired the brute I'm sure I kenna why. Because he's siccan a silly body himsell, I suppose!" It was after dark when Gourlay met Coe on the street.

"What wants old marrowbones with our Laurie?" he muttered; "surely he cannot have gotten into mischief with the lasses already. But I kenna I kenna. When I was sixteen I can mind I can mind. And the loon may well be his father's own son." And Malise, the man of brawn, watched out of his quiet grey eyes the face of the Abbot William, wondering what was to come next.

Wi' that the gipsy wife gripped till her hand "I ken you weel eneugh," says she, "though ye kenna me. But as sure as that sun's in heaven, and as sure as that water's rinning to the sea, and as sure as there's an ee that sees and an ear that hears us baith, Harry Bertram, that was thought to perish at Warroch Point, never did die there.