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'I beg leave, said Bertram, his recollection turning to the gipsy female and to the promise he had given her 'I beg leave to decline answering that question. 'I thought as much, said Sir Robert. 'Were you not during that night in the ruins of Derncleugh? in the ruins of Derncleugh, sir? 'I have told you that I do not intend answering that question, replied Bertram.

He learned the violin in Hungary or Spain, I don't know which, and played wonderfully. Afterwards he had an accident which hurt his hand, and he could not play; that was the reason he married Annie just for her money, the wretch! 'A gipsy, murmured the bishop, who had turned pale. 'Yes; an English gipsy, but like all those people he wandered far and near.

'Sell'd! echoed the gipsy, with something like a scream; 'and wha durst buy Ellangowan that was not of Bertram's blude? and wha could tell whether the bonny knave-bairn may not come back to claim his ain? wha durst buy the estate and the castle of Ellangowan? 'Troth, gudewife, just ane o' thae writer chields that buys a' thing; they ca' him Glossin, I think. 'Glossin!

Primarily he was a Servian, but his maternal grandmother had been a Bosniak, an earlier ancestress had been in a Turkish harem, there was a strain in his blood of the Hungarian zinganee the gipsy of Eastern Europe, and one could not look at his profile without a suspicion that there was a Jewish element in his pedigree.

Many a time, on long and lonely journeys from the Base to the Front, have I been cheered to find a Supply Column drawn up on the roadside in a wooded valley, on a bare undulating down, or in a chalk quarry, while the men were making tea over a blue wood fire. If you love a gipsy life join the A.S.C.

So when the company had done shovelling the Stilton cheese into their mouths with their knives, she announced that she and Mr. Trevor would have their cups of tea in the parlour, and told Milly to go quick and light the fire. Ellen was most satisfactorily equal to this part of the occasion. She recited "Curfew shall not Ring Tonight," and played Haydn's "Gipsy Rondo."

Marsh loves a controversy; Coates a play; Bennet a felon; Lewis Way a Jew; The Jew the silver spoons of Lewis Way. The Gipsy Poetry, to own the truth, Has been my love through childhood and in youth." It is perhaps as well that the project to all appearance stopped with the first stanza, which in its turn was probably written for the sake of a single line.

I must now return from this long digression to my conversation with the shepherd about the dark people of the village. There were, I continued, other black-eyed and black-haired people in the villages who had no gipsy blood in their veins. So far as I could make out there were dark people of three originally distinct and widely different races in the Wiltshire Downs.

Till within a few years in Great Britain, as at the present day in Germany, their fondness for green coats amounted to a passion. In Germany a Gipsy who loses caste for any offence is forbidden for a certain time to wear green, so that ver non semper viret may be truly applied to those among them who bloom too rankly.

Only Brémer could not be comforted; he was as fond of Myrtle as if she had been his own child, and he drooped visibly from day to day. One winter's day when he had got up, and was looking out of the window, he saw a ragged but pretty gipsy girl passing through the village covered with snow, and with a heavy bag upon her shoulders, and sat down again with a deep sigh.