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But the villain had been playing with edge tools. At the end of the three days Vladimir called Blude before him. "I have kept all my promises to you," he said. "I have treated you as my friend; your honors exceed your highest wishes; I have made you lord among my lords. But now," he continued, and his voice grew terrible, "the judge succeeds the benefactor.

I am sure they belie baith Cuddie and me sair, if they said he wadna fight ower the boots in blude for your leddyship and Miss Edith, and the auld Tower ay suld he, and I would rather see him buried beneath it, than he suld gie way but thir ridings and wappenschawings, my leddy, I hae nae broo o' them ava. I can find nae warrant for them whatsoever."

For God's sake, for yer mither's sake, for ony sake, dinna lat a drap o' the hell-broth gang ower yer thrapple or ye're damned like me for ever and ever. It's as guid's signin' awa' yer sowl wi' yer ain han' and yer ain blude." Mr Cupples lifted his glass, emptied it, and, setting it down on the table with a gesture of hatred, proceeded to fill it yet again.

"What but bigg a harbour at Scaurnose for the puir fisher fowk 'at was like my ain flesh and blude!" "Weel," rejoined Miss Horn eagerly, "div ye no look upo' that as a voo to the Almichty a voo 'at ye're bun' to pay, noo 'at ye ha'e yer wuss?

"Gudewife," said Davie, interrupting her, "these are but idle tales to tell me; fit for naething but to puff up our inward man wi' our ain vain acts. I stude beside blessed Alexander Peden, when I heard him call the death and testimony of our happy martyrs but draps of blude and scarts of ink in respect of fitting discharge of our duty; and what suld I think of ony thing the like of me can do?"

An' yet I'm sair afraid for they puir feckless French. I ha' na faith, ye ken, in the Celtic blude, an' its spirit o' lees. The Saxon spirit o' covetize is a grewsome house-fiend, and sae's our Norse speerit o' shifts an' dodges; but the spirit o' lees is warse. Puir lustful Reubens that they are! unstable as water, they shall not excel.

These walls were strong, the people were faithful, and Kief might long have defied its assailant had not treachery dwelt within. Vladimir had secretly bought over a villain named Blude, one of Yaropolk's trusted councillors, who filled his master's mind with suspicion of the people of Kief and persuaded him to fly for safety. His flight gave Kief into his brother's hands.

"Leeze me o' ye! but I kenned ye were o' the true Norse blude after a'! "For a' that, an' a' that, A man's a man for a' that. "Oh, but I hae expeckit it this month an' mare! Oh, but I prophesied it, Johnnie!" "Then why, in Heaven's name, did you introduce me to such a scoundrel?" "I sent you to schule, lad, I sent you to schule. Ye wad na be ruled by me.

Before the gathering broke up, the farmer put the big Bible in the hands of the soutar, with the request that he would lead their prayers; and this was very nearly what he said: "O God, to whom we belang, hert and soul, body and blude and banes, hoo great art thou, and hoo close to us, to hand the richt ower us o' sic a gran' and fair, sic a just and true ownership!

It's an awfu' thing to say o' a mither's ain laddie; and to hae said it only to my ain man, and the father o' the laddie, maks my hert like to brak! it's as gien I had been fause to my ain flesh and blude but to think it o' 'im! Eh, Peter, what can it be?" "Ow jist maybe naething ava'! Maybe he's in love, and the lass winna hear til 'im!"