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I know some signs of the sky; I have noted them ever since childhood. God watch that sail! Oh! guard it! The wind shifts to the west. Peace, peace, Banshee "keening" at every window! It will rise it will swell it shrieks out long: wander as I may through the house this night, I cannot lull the blast.

'But I begged and prayed of him to let me see her nobbut to say good- bye, till a woman calls down th' stairway, "She says John Learoyd's to come up." Th' old man shifts aside in a flash, and lays his hand on my arm, quite gentle like. "But thou'lt be quiet, John," says he, "for she's rare and weak. Thou was allus a good lad."

A man shifts his seat in a railway carriage, from some passing whim, and five minutes afterwards there comes a collision, and the bench where he had been sitting is splintered up, and the place where he is sitting is untouched, and the accidental move has saved his life.

After that, with twenty minute shifts, the work went along more rapidly, though once in a while one of the shovelers had to go back over the path, digging out where more snow had blown in. Hen Dutcher was not asked to share in this strenuous work. He had enough to do in the cabin, and this outdoor performance was no work, anyway, for a whiner.

An' to think I've been shepherdin' that daisy fer ten shifts! Dick crept closer and, peering through a slit in the great hollow trunk of the tree, saw that Rogers was handling the contents of the bag. On his knee lay a gleaming mass that the boy knew to be a beautiful nugget. 'What devil's luck brought that young fool to the 'T' drive? 'He must 'a' heard you splashin'. You wasn't careful.

You swore to me that you would keep, for aye, your plighted faith; But when my heart was yours, you broke the oath that you had ta'en. Are you secure against the shifts of time and evil chance, That you've no mercy on my love nor aught of pity deign? If I must die, I prithee, write, 'fore God, upon my tomb, "A slave of passion lieth here, who died of love in vain."

I opened my eyes to see a golden gleam flooding the still-shut shoji, and a diamond glitter stealing through the cracks that set the blood dancing in my veins. Then, with a startling clatter, my princess rolled the panels aside. Windows are but half-way shifts at best. The true good-morning comes afield, and next to that is the thrill that greets the throwing your whole room wide to it.

That the witch could be conveyed bodily to these meetings was at first admitted without any question. But as the husbands of accused persons sometimes testified that their wives had not left their beds on the alleged night of meeting, the witchmongers were put to strange shifts by way of accounting for it.

It would be an endless task to consider comedy in the same light, and to mention the innumerable shifts that small wits put in practice to raise a laugh. Sometimes the wit of a scene lies in a shoulder-belt, and sometimes in a pair of whiskers. No. 338. "Nil fuit unquam Sic dispar sibi." "Made up of nought but inconsistencies." I find the tragedy of the "Distressed Mother" is published to-day.

An empty wagon served as our mobile quarters, empty that is except for straw or similar material to soften the hard wagon floor and we slept uncomfortably in shifts. On the first morning we awoke itching, sand flies had feasted on us as we slept fitfully; I think they really enjoyed fresh caucasian blood and we spent a while scratching and slapping.