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"'For God's sake, lemme up, says Heegan, splashin' along and look-in' strangly. I hauls him in where he wouldn't miss any of my ironies, and says: "'I just can't do it, Oily it's wash day. You're plumb nasty with boycotts and picketin's and compulsory arbitrations. I'm goin' to clean you up, and I sozzled him under like a wet shirt. "I drug him out again and continues:

So then I didn't wait to load, but ran along the bank as hard as I could strick it, and when I'd got down to the spot, I tell you, little Dash had got two on 'em out afore I came, and was in with a third. Well, sich a cuttin' and a splashin' as there was you niver did see, none on you I guess, for sartin leastwise I niver did.

"You wouldn't think," he said at last, "there was so much water.... This roarin' and splashin', it gets on one's nerves at last.... Sounds like people talking.... Sounds like people going about.... Sounds like anything you fancy." He retired up the staircase again. "I s'pose I shall keep on goin' round this blessed island," he said drearily. "Round and round and round."

Did you ever see his beat to go swimmin'? He's always in splashin'! Been at it all his life. I used to be skeered when he was a little tyke. He soaked so much 'peared like he'd wash all the substance out of him, but it only made him strong." "Has he ever been ill?" "Not that I know of, and I reckon I'd knowed it if he had. Well what a clothespress! I never saw so many dresses at once.

It was doin' some roarin' and splashin', too. I was afraid Llanders might not have noticed it. "How about it!" says I. "This ain't another visit from the creek, is it?" "Only part of it," says he careless. "The pumps are going, you know." "I hope they're workin' well," says I. As for Waddy, not a yip out of him.

Into this scow he put the boys and then seated himself, rifle in hand. "Grab a root and growl, now," commanded Lopez. "I'm ridin' this trip. And mind you," he continued, "you better row quiet. No splashin' and bangin' around with them oars." "We'll row as well as we can," replied Harry. "A Boy Scout always does everything he undertakes as well as he knows how."

"I reckon we 'll hev ter risk it," he said at length, as he bound his powder-horn upon his head with a dark cloth. "Come right 'long arter me, and don't make no splashin'." He slipped off so silently that I scarcely knew he was gone, until I missed the dark outline of his figure at my side. With all possible caution, I followed him.

The good Deacon Twinkham himself, who had, at a late prayer-meeting, stated that "his feet already felt the splashin' of Jordan's waves," temporarily withdrew his aged limbs from the rugged banks famed in song, and caused them to bear him industriously up and down the Ridge Road, past Nathan's mother's house, until he saw all three of the bearded Croesuses seat themselves on the piazza to smoke.

Also she was singin' "When the Clouds Are Darkest," rubbin' out an accompaniment on the wash board and splashin' the suds around reckless, her big red face shinin' through the steam like the sun breakin' through a mornin' fog. Some sizable old girl, Ma Gummidge; one of these bulgy, billowy females with two chins and a lot of brownish hair.

I was settin' on the Bay Eagle in a little holler, when somebody come along an' begun to take down the bars. I lit out for him, an' he run like a whitehead, jumped the fence on the lower side of the road an' went splashin' through the creek, but he left some feathers in the bushes when he jumped, an' I got 'em." He put his hand into the bosom of his coat and drew out a leather cap.