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Updated: August 26, 2024

The prisoner observed a long, fine-looking rifle leaning against one side of the wigwam, the powder-horn and bullet-pouch on the ground near the stock. Beside them, a bow as long and powerful as that of Deerfoot; and a quiver half full of arrows also lay on the earth. Like the Shawanoe, the Osage was an adept in the use of both weapons.

Every soldier furnishes his own horse, and finds his accoutrements, consisting of a large sabre, a double-barrelled gun, a small red leather bag for holding his balls, and a powder-horn slung over the shoulder. He has no pay, nor any remuneration but what arises from plunder.

There were several muskets in the cabin, and a great powder-horn, with about four pounds of powder in it; as for the muskets, I had no occasion for them, so I left them, but took the powder-horn.

The pertly-put question was addressed to Paul Bevan, between whom and the boy there was evidently strong affection. "Yes, Tolly," replied Bevan, with a pleasant nod, "three men are quite enough for the defence of this here castle." "But, I say, old man," continued the boy, shaking a powder-horn before his face, "the powder's all done. Where'll I git more?"

At any rate his wilful thoughts mastered him, and in a spirit of reckless indifference to the consequences he leaped ashore, ran up to the hut, dashed in, caught up the powder-horn and shot-bag, thrust them into his pockets, and seizing the gun, he took it from its leather slings, his hands trembling, and a sensation upon him that Dave was looking in at the door.

"That is light enough for anything," Jerry said, when the things were stowed into the saddle-bags. "Four-and-twenty pounds of grub and five pounds of ammunition brings it up to nine-and-twenty pounds each, little enough for a trip that may last three months for aught we know." In addition to the ammunition in the saddle-bags, each carried a powder-horn and a bag of bullets over his shoulder.

It is strange that you should ask me that, when Kit was the very last man I laid eyes on as I left our tribe." Here the fellow lowered his voice and said, as if exemplifying sympathy. "Poor Kit was in a very bad way one hour before we parted. However, I made him happy by giving him my gun and powder-horn. With them, you know, he will git along anywhere!"

Without waiting to look behind, he seized his powder-horn and loaded one barrel of his rifle; and well was it for him that his early training had fitted him to do this with rapidity, for the bear dashed up the precipice after him at once.

I looked up and saw a little man, not much more than five feet high, but of very square and strong proportions. In appearance he was particularly dingy; for his old buckskin frock was black and polished with time and grease, and his belt, knife, pouch, and powder-horn appeared to have seen the roughest service.

The whole of the natives were awake, and it surprised me they did not attempt to plunder us. They rose with the earliest dawn, and crowded round the tents without any hesitation. We, consequently, thought it prudent to start as soon as we had breakfasted. We had all of us got into the boat, when Fraser remembered he had left his powder-horn on shore.

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