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"I found Aunt Aggie standing, eating a bun, just outside the drawing-room door. She was quite flurried when I came up, and said she wanted to see my fossils, but would rather look at them another day." La vie est un instrument dont on commence toujours par jouer faux. Wentworth and Fay did not follow Colonel Bellairs and Magdalen back to the house.

But the knowledge that the hopes which poppa was reducing to dust and ashes were fervently fixed on a floral hat and a yellow bun over which he had no control, on the other side of the ship, overcame me, and I looked at Bellagio to hide my emotions instead, in a way which they might interpret as obstinate, if they liked.

In still others erosion has stripped off the covering strata and has laid bare the core to its base; and its shape is here seen to be that of a plano-convex lens or a baker's bun, its flat base resting on the undisturbed bedded rocks beneath. The nucleus of igneous rock is four miles in diameter and more than a mile in depth.

Marion kept looking back at the illuminated table as if it were a symbol of the situation that made them sit in the twilight without words. Suddenly she made a sound of distress. "Oh dear! Look at the cakes that have been left! Ellen, you can't have had anything to eat." "I've just had too good a tea," said Ellen, using the classic Edinburgh formula. "But you must have an éclair or a cream bun.

'But, continued the little boy, 'when I put the bun to the dog's mouth, he did not eat it; I gave him a little push to make him mind me, and he fell out of the window into my hands; and then I found that it was not a real dog, but only the picture of a dog, painted upon pasteboard.

"Yes, ma'am," said Billy, accepting another bun with much satisfaction, "we usually does pretty well in the Short Blue in that way, though we don't have sich grub as this to tickle our gums with. You see, we has a lot o' fresh air out on the North Sea, an' it's pretty strong air too specially when it blows 'ard.

And leaving unanswered the question how she was going to live without him, she fell to reading the signs on the shops. "Office and warehouse. Dental surgeon. Yes, I'll tell Dolly all about it. She doesn't like Vronsky. I shall be sick and ashamed, but I'll tell her. She loves me, and I'll follow her advice. I won't give in to him; I won't let him train me as he pleases. Filippov, bun shop.

We obeyed Pallant to the extent of slipping into The Bun a wary paragraph about cows lying down and dripping at the mouth, which might be read either as an unkind libel or, in the hands of a capable lawyer, as a piece of faithful nature-study. 'And besides, said Ollyett, 'we allude to "gravid polled Angus." I am advised that no action can lie in respect of virgin Shorthorns.

"Merry Christmas!" he called to Russ, Rose and the others. "Merry Christmas!" they answered. Mun Bun and Margy, who had been making a little snow man all by themselves, stopped their play and walked toward the house. "Where are you going?" asked Russ. "I'm going to ask Grandma for a cookie," explained Mun Bun. "I'm hungry." "So'm I," added Margy. "Don't eat before dinner," advised Rose.

If young, it will eat anything at any hour of the day or night. If old, it observes stated periods, and you might as well attempt to regulate the time of high-water to suit a fishing-party as to change these periods. The crucial experiment is this. Offer a bulky and boggy bun to the suspected individual just ten minutes before dinner.