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'I didn't forget that, Ollyett interrupted. 'That was uppermost in my mind all the time. I've got a special account for The Bun to-day it's an idyll and just to show how I thought of you, I told 'Dal, coming home, about your Gubby Dance, and she told Winnie. Winnie came back in our char-

You'll spoil it. Let's shove it in to-day. For one thing it's Literature. I don't go in for compliments as you know, but, etc. etc. I had a healthy suspicion of young Ollyett in every aspect, but though I knew that I should have to pay for it, I fell to his flattery, and my priceless article on the 'Gubby Dance' appeared.

'We never report Sir Thomas in extenso. Only the fines and charges. 'Oh, thank you, Ollyett replied, and I heard him ask who every one in court might be. The local reporter was very communicative. The new victim, a large, flaxen-haired man in somewhat striking clothes, to which Sir Thomas, now thoroughly warmed, drew public attention, said that he had left his licence at home.

The other men in the car were my friend Woodhouse, young Ollyett, a distant connection of his, and Pallant, the M.P. Woodhouse's business was the treatment and cure of sick journals.

'It cost Bat Masquerier two thousand, Ollyett replied. 'D'you think he'd let any one else in on that? But I give you my sacred word I knew nothing about it till he asked me to come down and cover it. He had Huckley posted in three colours, "The Geoplanarians' Annual Banquet and Exercises." Yes, he invented "Geoplanarians." He wanted Huckley to think it meant aeroplanes. Yes, I know that there is a real Society that thinks the world's flat they ought to be grateful for the lift but Bat made his own. He did! He created the whole show, I tell you. He swept out half his Halls for the job. Think of that on a Saturday! They we went down in motor char-

'You see, said Ollyett, 'this is much more of a blow to Huckley than it looks because every word of it's true. Your Gubby dance was inspiration, I admit, but it hadn't its roots in 'Two hemispheres and four continents so far, I pointed out. 'Its roots in the hearts of Huckley was what I was going to say. Why don't you ever come down and look at the place?

He, too, expressed surprise, and Sir Thomas sat back in a hush of reprobation that seemed to have the chill of the centuries behind it. The Empire's work was resumed. 'Beautiful! said I, and I felt hot and cold up my back. 'And now we'll publish his letter, said Ollyett. We did on the heels of his carefully reported outburst. We made no comment.

With that rare instinct for grasping the heart of a situation which is the mark of the Anglo-Saxon, all our contemporaries and, I should say, two-thirds of our correspondents demanded how such a person could be made more ridiculous than he had already proved himself to be. But beyond spelling his name 'Injle, we alone refused to hit a man when he was down. 'There's no need, said Ollyett.

'Well, let's have lunch, Woodhouse said at last. 'Then we can get away before the show breaks up. We drew Ollyett from the arms of the local reporter, crossed the Market Square to the Red Lion and found Sir Thomas's 'Mr. Masquerader' just sitting down to beer, beef and pickles. 'Ah! said he, in a large voice. 'Companions in misfortune. Won't you gentlemen join me? 'Delighted, said Woodhouse.

'For his poor, dear wife's sake I hope that, very much indeed. I suppose he didn't see me in Court. Oh, here's the parish history of Huckley written by the Rector and here's your share of the picture-postcards. Are we all dining with this Mr. Masquerier to-night? 'Yes! said we all. If Woodhouse knew nothing of journalism, young Ollyett, who had graduated in a hard school, knew a good deal.