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Then her head, with hair all shiny and flying and fragrant, came round over my shoulder, softly smoothing my cheek, until her sweet, saucy, heated face was right under my eyes. "Russ, don't you love me any more?" she whispered. That night, I saw Steele at our meeting place, and we compared notes and pondered details of our problem. Steele had rented the stone house to be used as a jail.

"I'm supposed to stand there and draw water for the thirsty soldiers," explained Ruth, coming up at this point. "Huh! How are you goin' to git water out of there?" demanded Sandy. "It's as dry as a bone. Why, I've got a good well over there," and he pointed to a real one, under an apple tree. "That's in the shade couldn't get any pictures there," explained Russ.

"Well, I guess you can postpone your investigation for a while," suggested Russ. "It's getting dark, Uncle, and we'd like to get back to the steamer. Now, if you'll pilot us we'll pay you well, and see that you get back in the morning. You can stay on the Magnolia to-night if we find her." "Oh, I'll find her, all right don't yo' all let dat fret yo'!" chuckled the negro.

There won't be any talk." "Good! I'll back you," Sampson replied. "Understand, Russ, I didn't want you here, but I always had you sized up as a pretty hard nut, a man not to be trifled with. You've got a bad name. Diane insists the name's not deserved. She'd trust you with herself under any circumstances. And the kid, Sally, she'd be fond of you if it wasn't for the drink.

"Is that a riddle?" asked his twin scornfully. "We-ell, maybe it will be when I get it fixed right." "I don't think much of it," declared Violet. "And I want to find Mun Bun." "Don't you other children get lost on this big ship," said Mother Bunker. "Don't go off this floor." "You mean deck, don't you, Mother?" asked Russ politely. "Floors are decks on board ship. Daddy said so."

Perhaps it was the loud, laughing voice that Russ used, or it may have been because there was no more sugar, but, at any rate, the deer, after taking the sweet lumps gave a sudden turn, and rushed off through the bushes, going rather slowly because of the deep snow.

Laddie, who had been smoothing the sand in one corner of the pirate bungalow, now stopped and seemed to be thinking hard. "What's the matter?" asked Russ. "I have a new riddle," was the answer. "It's about a door." "Is it why does a door swing?" asked Violet. "'Cause if it is, I can answer that one. I've heard it before. A door swings because it isn't a hammock." "Nope! 'Tisn't that," said Laddie.

"I do!" "And who are you?" "A friend. I must ask you to leave." "Not until I get my five hundred dollars!" "Look here!" exclaimed Russ, and, though he spoke in low tones, there was that in his voice which made it very determined. "You may have a valid claim against Mr. DeVere, or you may not. I will not go into that. But he is not at home, and you will have to come again.

"Why shouldn't he if it's true?" asked Alice. "Let's face the situation, whatever it is. Russ, will you see just how bad it is?" Without speaking, the young moving picture operator went to the hole through which they had stooped to enter the cavern. In a moment he came back. "It's closed tighter than a drum," he announced.

The Russian dentist turned out to be a girl, and tiny she spoke no Serb, but Jo managed, by means of the second cousinship of the language, to make out what she said in Russian. "The tooth must come out," squeaked the small dentist. "Can't you save it?" prayed Jo; "it's the best one I've got, and the one to which I send all the Serbian meat." "It must come out," squeaked the Russ.