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His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of wheels, followed, a moment later, by the splash of a horse crossing the ford. He turned in the direction whence the sound came, and beheld Bessie hauling a buckboard up the bank of the river; at the same instant he recognized the only occupant of the vehicle. It was Diane returning from her errand of mercy. Tresler sprang to his feet.

It's beyond his power to hurt me any more." "But, Diane, you don't know what you're saying. You don't know what he's doing. He's he's I hardly know how to put it He's destroying your reputation." She glanced up with a smile, ceasing for an instant to sew. "You mean, he's destroying what's left of it. Well, he's welcome! There was so little of it "

The Hotel de Périgny stood in the Rue des Augustines, diagonally opposite the historic pile once occupied by Henri II and Diane de Poitiers, the beautiful and fascinating Duchesse de Valentinois of equivocal yet enduring fame. It was constructed in the severe beauty of Roman straight lines, and the stains of nearly two centuries had discolored the blue-veined Italian marble.

But can the Duchess answer for the same sincerity towards the Queen, with respect to her innumerable guests? No! Are not the sentiments of the Duchesses sister-in-law, the Comtesse Diane, in direct opposition to the absolute monarchy? Has she not always been an enthusiastic advocate for all those that have supported the American war?

"No," Diane replied, half turning round. "Perhaps we had better go back to the drawing-room. My mother-in-law will be getting tired." "Wait," he said, imperiously. "Isn't that ?" He was again conscious of having admitted her into a sort of confidence; but he had scarcely time to regret it before there was a flash of red between the tall potted shrubs that screened an alcove.

As I did so, and felt the power of the long, swinging stride beneath me I smiled to myself whilst I watched the little Norman my charge rode stretching himself like a greyhound. Once more Diane looked back; and then I accepted the challenge, and gave the dun a free rein. The country here was a wide horseshoe-shaped plain, fringed with a network of ravines, and rising gently towards Lencloître.

'Where is la petite? Narcisse demanded. Behind her Queen, as usual? 'The young Queen keeps her room to-night, returned Diane. 'Nor do I advise you, brother, to thrust yourself in the way of la petite entetee just at present. 'What, is she so besotted with the peach face? He shall pay for it! 'Brother, no duel. Father, remind him that she would never forgive him.

A faint fragrance of dried lavender drifted out from the dark depths of the cupboard. Diane always afterwards associated the smell of lavender with her memories of Catherine Vallincourt, and the sweet, clean scent of it was spoiled for her henceforward. "I hate you!" she exclaimed in a low voice of helpless rage. "I hate you and I wish to God Hugh had never had a sister!"

Diane, looking a little anxious when she saw these two together, showed them into her father's office. She was half disposed to refuse Jake's request that she should summon the blind man, but a smiling nod from Tresler decided her. "Very well, Jake," she replied coldly. "You won't best please father unless the matter is important."

All I want now is for you to say when you will marry me, sweetheart." "But, Jack, you don't seem to understand. I can't marry you. Father was a a murderer." "I don't care what he was, Danny. It doesn't make the least difference to me. I'm not marrying your father." Diane was distressed. The lightness of his treatment of the subject bothered her. But she was in deadly earnest.