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My screams, for my terror prevented my finding articulate language, only hastened the catastrophe. Brown, thus menaced, sprung upon Hazlewood, grappled with him, and had nearly succeeded in wrenching the fowling-piece from his grasp, when the gun went off in the struggle, and the contents were lodged in Hazlewood's shoulder, who instantly fell.

I screamed between surprise and terror Hazlewood mistook the nature of my alarm, and, when Brown advanced towards me as if to speak, commanded him haughtily to stand back, and not to alarm the lady. Brown replied, with equal asperity, he had no occasion to take lessons from him how to behave to that or any other lady.

'Really, sir, said Charles, 'I must remind you of what I have often said before, that I am positive the discharge of the piece was accidental. 'Sir, it was not accidental, said his father, angrily; 'but you will be wiser than your elders. 'Really, sir, replied Hazlewood, 'in what so intimately concerns myself

"Sturm-wetter!" said the Captain, "do ye think we were mad?-none of us, man Gott! the country was too hot for the trade already with that d-d frolic of Brown's, attacking what you call Woodbourne House." "Why, I am told," said Glossin, "it was Brown who shot Hazlewood?" "Not our lieutenant, I promise you; for he was laid six feet deep at Derncleugh the day before the thing happened.

'And now, he said to Bertram, 'I should be happy if you would accompany me to Hazlewood House; but as that might not be so agreeable just now as I trust it will be in a day or two, you must allow me to return with you to Woodbourne. But you are on foot. 'O, if the young Laird would take my horse! 'Or mine' 'Or mine, said half-a-dozen voices.

He was presumptuously over-conceited on the score of family pride and importance, a feeling considerably enhanced by his late succession to the title of a Nova Scotia baronet; and he hated the memory of the Ellangowan family, though now a memory only, because a certain baron of that house was traditionally reported to have caused the founder of the Hazlewood family hold his stirrup until he mounted into his saddle.

Dominie Sampson left her presence altogether crest-fallen, and, as he shut the door, could not help muttering the 'varium et mutabile' of Virgil. Next day he appeared with a very rueful visage, and tendered Miss Bertram a letter. 'Mr. Hazlewood, he said, 'was to discontinue his lessons, though he had generously made up the pecuniary loss.

Because he had seen the face that had always filled his thoughts. It seemed to him that he had been there long hours, when the door suddenly opened, and her Grace of Hazlewood entered. "Norman," she said, as though in sudden wonder, "why did they show you in here?" "I knew they were doing wrong," he replied. "This is your own special sanctum, Philippa?"

The two men passed through the doors into the great library whilst Thresk took a more ceremonious leave of Mrs. Pettifer; and as Hazlewood opened the drawers of his cabinets Robert Pettifer said in a whisper: "That was a pretty good failure, I must say. And it was my idea too." "Yes," replied Hazlewood in a voice as low. "What do you think?" "That they share no secret." "You are satisfied then?"

'Hazlewood was conveyed home, that is, to Woodbourne, in safety; I trust his wound will prove in no respect dangerous, though he suffers much. But to Brown the consequences must be most disastrous.