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"It is a great mistake," added Jack thoughtfully, "for you know how revengeful they are, and one of these days some trumping redskin that he has abused will steal up to his house and shoot him dead." "Dot is vot I tolds him," said Otto; "and he will be as sorry as dunderation ven it afift too late."

"I don't think they will, offer any harm," Jack, alluding, of course, to the squaw and the warrior. I suspect he is an Osage." "Yaw dot ish vot he tolds me," said Otto carefully weighing his words. "What else did he tell you? But, first of all, let me know how you came to be his guest." Thereupon the German related, in his own fashion, the story which long since became familiar to the reader.

"I tolds you tar pees un shust Got; and now you shees how dat shust Got he pees mine friend." "Aye, verily," rejoined Critchel, "and he lets them what builds castles and lives like lords suffer their disappointments. Poor people like us, who work with their hands, stick to their lands, and pay their debts, have their castles in peace and contentment."

One of dese war de white man's fault, dis baby war born wid de jaundice en I tolds dis white man ter go ter de store en git me sum calomel en he says, "whoeber heard of givin a baby sech truck", an so dat baby died. "Of course youse can tell wheder the baby is gwine ter be a boy er girl fore tis born.