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I had never been angry with him yet, however, and had no present disposition to begin. "Cleopatra!" I repeated, quietly. "Monsieur, too, has been looking at Cleopatra; what does he think of her?" "Cela ne vaut rien," he responded. "Une femme superbe une taille d'imperatrice, des formes de Junon, mais une personne dont je ne voudrais ni pour femme, ni pour fille, ni pour soeur.

.. Je voudrais que la rose Fut encore au rosier, Et que le rosier meme A la mer fut jete. Il y a longtemps, que je t'aime, Jamais je ne t'oublierai . . "Hail Mary, full of grace ..." The song ended, Maria forthwith resumed her prayers with zeal refreshed, and once again the tale of the Aves mounted.

Je voudrais bien pouvoir assister au diner du Club du 12 juin; mais j'en ai quelque doute, tandis que je crois etre certain, Deo adjuvante, de pouvoir m'asseoir a notre table fraternelle le mardi 26. Je vous serre affectueusement la main. On May 28th Reeve returned to London. The entries in the Journal are of little interest, but he noted: June 12th.

"D n her ... Well, never mind, I must spend this last evening with you; you shall both dine with me. Je quitte Paris demain matin, peut-être pour longtemps; je voudrais passer ma dernière soirée avec mon ami; alors si vous voulez bien me permettre, mademoiselle, je vous invite tous les deux

Je n'ai jamais pu savoir ce que souhaiter une fete voulait dire, mais si c'est quelque bien, comme la sante, par exemple, tu sais quels sont mes voeux; enfin je voudrais te savoir aussi heureuse que possible: "Je ne trouve pas que la couleur de la cathedrale de Freiburg soit desagreable.

"Il faut l'éveiller. Faites bien mes compliments au Monsieur de Fontanges, et dites-lui que je me trouve fort malade, et que je voudrais lui parier. Entends-tu, Céleste; je parle

Maurice changed the tune: "J'aime les militaires, Leur uniforme coquet, Leur moustache et leur plumet " "Answer!" with a stamp of the foot. "Je sais ce que je voudrais, Je voudrais etre cantiniere!"... "Monsieur," said the pretty countess, after a furtive glance at Madame's stormy eyes, "do you deny?" The whistle ceased. "Madame, to you I shall say that I neither deny nor affirm.

Je voudrais encontrer ma mère au ciel, comme fille honnête, ne c'est pas? Ah! pour l'amour de Dieu, Paul! 'My darling, he answered, 'I'll do it! I'll do anything. But don't talk nonsense about dying. We shall have many a happy year together yet.

But by this time Sir W. Batten was come to be in much pain in his foot, so as he was forced to be carried down in a chair to the barge again, and so away to Deptford, and there I a little in the yard, and then to Bagwell's, where I find his wife washing, and also I did 'hazer tout que je voudrais con' her, and then sent for her husband, and discoursed of his going to Harwich this week to his charge of the new ship building there, which I have got him, and so away, walked to Redriffe, and there took boat and away home, and upon Tower Hill, near the ticket office, meeting with my old acquaintance Mr.

"And you?" "Je n'en sais rien, monsieur." "Mais je voudrais savoir." "Pourquoi?" "To lay a true course by the stars"; he looked at her blue eyes and she laughed easily under the laughing flattery. "You must seek another compass to-morrow," she said.