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He thought she took pleasure in having him push her wheel-chair up and down the piazza at least she rewarded him by grateful looks, and complimented him by asking his advice about reading and about being useful to others. Like most young girls whose career of gayety is arrested as hers was, she felt an inclination to coquet a little with the serious side of life. All this had been pleasant to Mr.

In that very gale as many men were killed at sea as would have fallen in a moderately important battle. The number of missing steamers was great, and there is no doubt but that most of these vessels foundered. The "Coquet" was built under the eye of a critic who did not suffer champagne to bias his ideas of solid workmanship. She is still earning heavy dividends for her owners.

For a coxcomb there is no mercy for a coquet no pardon. They are, as it were, the dissenters of society no crime is too bad to be imputed to them; they do not believe the religion of others they set up a deity of their own vanity all the orthodox vanities of others are offended. Then comes the bigotry the stake the auto-da-fe of scandal. What, alas! is so implacable as the rage of vanity?

The Earl then shook hands and departed, obviously somewhat easier in his mind. This remarkable conversation was duly reported by Logan to Merton. 'What are we to do next? asked Logan. 'Why you can do nothing but reconnoitre. Go down to Rookchester. It is in Northumberland, on the Coquet a pretty place, but there is no fishing just now. Then we must ask Lord Embleton to meet Miss Willoughby.

I was aroused in the morning by La Varenne coming to my bedside and bidding me hasten to the king. I did so, and found his Majesty already in his boots and walking on the terrace with Coquet, his master of the household, Vitry, La Varenne, and a gentleman unknown to me.

You know you're just dying to say 'yes. But let me tell you, if you permit this chance to slip by " "Oh, run along, do!" she exclaimed. "I want to think, and it's impossible with you around." "Think?" he retorted. "I know better. What you want is a chance to coquet with him." He looked about at Blake, with a wry twist in his lower lip.

But more than this he had to direct his feet; there was in his ears the echo of Alastair's pibroch the piobaireachd which he was to hear whenever the Laird would be in trouble or wanting him. Onward the piobaireachd led him down the water of amber-coloured Coquet and now round the last crook he had just turned he saw a building of dark grey stone upon the edge of the haugh below him.

Neither Esther nor Lucien had ever said, "This is too much!" And the formula, "They were happy," was more emphatically true, than even in a fairy tale, for "they had no children." So Lucien could coquet with the world, give way to his poet's caprices, and, it may be plainly admitted, to the necessities of his position.

Yes, yesterday, then they had been able to make plans, Maurits and she, how she should coquet with uncle, but to-day she had no thought of carrying them out. Oh, she had never behaved so foolishly! Every drop of blood streamed into her face, and her knife and fork fell with a terrible clatter out of her hands down on her plate.

Lili's delays in coming to be paid had been such that the Marches now tried to pay her when she brought their breakfast, but they sometimes forgot, and then they caught her whenever she came near them. In this event she liked to coquet with their impatience; she would lean against their table, and say: "Oh, no. You stay a little. It is so nice."