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John had brought the message himself, and delivered it verbally to Rosine, who had not scrupled to follow the steps of M. Emanuel, then passing to the first classe, and, in his presence, stand "carrement" before my desk, hand in apron-pocket, and rehearse the same, saucily and aloud, concluding with the words, "Qu'il est vraiment beau, Mademoiselle, ce jeune docteur! Quels yeux quel regard! Tenez!

ZAMORE: Ta promesse est un crime; elle est ma perte; adieu. Périssent tes serments et ton Dieu que j'abhorre! ALZIRE: Arrête; quels adieux! arrête, cher Zamore! But the prince tore himself away, with no further farewell upon his lips than an oath to be revenged upon the Governor.

Je n'ai jamais pu savoir ce que souhaiter une fete voulait dire, mais si c'est quelque bien, comme la sante, par exemple, tu sais quels sont mes voeux; enfin je voudrais te savoir aussi heureuse que possible: "Je ne trouve pas que la couleur de la cathedrale de Freiburg soit desagreable.

We all doubts it, just like you do. So we ups and hog ties the old natural, picks him up with a pair of tongs and dips him in the crick. Which he simply lets out one bloodcurdlin' yell of despair and passes out immediate." "Mon Dieu!" said Solange, fervently. "Quels farceurs!" "Yes'm," they agreed, politely.

She flushed with shame when she remembered about the meals he had had to order for her, and she sat up in her great bed until late, studying by candlelight such phrases as: "Il y a une erreur dans la note," and "Garçon, quels fruits avez-vous?" She tried to write to Harvey that night, but she gave it up at last. There was too much he would not understand.

M. Duchene, French master at Archbishop Holgate's School, York, who was wounded with his regiment at Verdun, writes in glowing terms of his comrades' praise. "Ah, those English soldiers!" he says. "In my regiment you only hear such expressions as 'Ils sont magnifiques, 'Ils sont superbs, 'Quels soldats! No better tribute could be given."

'Come, drink to our success and the Kaiser's health! "I think they realized my fright and agony. They did not force me but laughed anew, drank and were gone." "What regiments drove them out?" "The English. Quels gaillards! And clean! Well!" "What do you mean?" "Yes, they nearly used up all the water in Montreuil washing!" "Do you know anything of Villiers?" "No.

Quelles personnes de l'histoire detestez-vous le plus? Lopez. Pour quelles fautes avez-vous le plus d'indulgence? Pour celles que la passion excuse. I add the answers of Prosper Merimee: A quelle qualite donnez-vous la preference? La perseverance. Quels sont vos auteurs favoris? Pr. Merimee. Quelles sont vos occupations favorites? Faire des chateaux en Espagne. Qui voudriez-vous etre?

"I swear it," he answered. "It is the piece of writing that I found in the hidden cubby-hole of the old cabinet in the Oak Parlour. It is written in French, you know." "Yes, I know, I know," she assented absently. For a moment she was quite still, and then, with a strange exclamation, she put the paper to her lips. "Quels souvenirs, d'autrefois!" she murmured. "Ah, mon Dieu, mon Dieu!"

Quelles personnes de l'histoire detestez-vous le plus? Le Connetable de Bourbon. Pour quelles fautes avez-vous le plus d'indulgence? Pour celles dont je profite. A quelle qualite donnez-vous la preference? Au devouement. Quels sont vos auteurs favoris? Calderon, Byron, Shakespeare. Quelles sont vos occupations favorites? Faire le bien. Qui voudriez-vous etre? Ce que je suis.