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"Give me the oars," he said. "Pauvre garçon did you think that I would strike you?" The boy surrendered the oars and sidled aft like a crab, his eyes still rolling at his passenger. "Why should the maimed row the sound?" said Simpson. He rowed awkwardly. The boy watched him for a moment, then grinned uncertainly; presently he lolled back in the stern-sheets, personating dignity.

This drinking of brandy, "neat," I may remark by the way, is not quite so bad as it looks. Whiskey or rum taken unmixed from a tumbler is a knock-down blow to temperance, but the little thimbleful of brandy, or Chartreuse, or Maraschino, is only, as it were, tweaking the nose of teetotalism. Well, to go back behind our brackets, the guest is calling to the waiter, "Garcon! et le bain de pieds!"

Monsieur Jesen, mademoiselle, dear Marguerite, my English friend here, let me be sure that your glasses are filled. To the very brim, garcon to the very brim! Let us drink together to the joyous evenings of the past, to the joyous evenings of the future, to these few present hours that lie before us when we shall sit here and taste further this very admirable vintage.

Doggie took his leave and emerged into the yard. He dozed pleasantly on the straw of the barn, but it was not the dead sleep of the night. Bits of his recent little adventure fitted into the semi-conscious intervals. He heard the girl's voice saying so gently: "Pauvre garçon!" and it was very comforting.

Sometimes when he watched the opalescent gleam in his glass as the garçon carefully dripped water over absinthe, he would picture himself wresting from the incumbent, the Crown of Galavia, and would hear throngs shouting "Long live King Louis!" At such moments his stimulated spirit would indulge in large visions, and his half-degenerate face would smile through its gentle but dissipated languor.

"Vous ne l'aimez donc pas, ce garcon, Mademoiselle!" cried he. "Me!" cried I, "no, I detest him!" for I was sick at heart. "Ah, tu me rends la vie!" cried he; and, flinging himself at my feet, he had just caught my hand as the door was opened by Madame Duval. Hastily, and with marks of guilty confusion in his face, he arose; but the rage of that lady quite amazed me!

"Willingly, Monsieur Georges. Garcon, the dominos." "Have you been playing at billiards?" asked M. Georges. "Yes, two games." "With success?" "I won the first, and lost the second through the defect of my eyesight; the game depended on a stroke which would have been easy to an infant, I missed it."

As to the assassin's personal appearance, there was a startling difference of opinion between the hotel doorkeeper and the garçon, both of whom saw him and spoke to him. The one declared he had light hair and a beard, the other that he had dark hair and no beard; the one thought he was a Frenchman, the other was sure he was a foreigner.

At length, one evening, when Bill had just finished his performance, the old black woman was seen approaching with a steaming bowl in her arms. "Dare, brave garcon," she said, patting Bill on the head, and pointing to the bowl, and making signs for him to eat. She then signified that the rest might have what he chose to leave.

Ashton whom we saw at Trentham, or whom I saw there the first'time I went, and who was an evidence against me at Oxford 30 years ago a sad rascal; but the son is un garcon fort honnete, and he received me with extraordinary marks of civility and good breeding. We have the same relations, and his house was furnished with many of their pictures.