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Absolute teetotalers are definite-minded people, and one respects them more than one does those who do not hold with teetotalism for themselves, but think it a good thing for other people, and moreover it is of no use arguing with them because they say all alcohol is poison, and won't appreciate any evidence to the contrary, so "palaver done set"; but a large majority of those who attack, or believe in the rectitude of the attack on, the African liquor traffic are not teetotalers and so should be capable of forming a just opinion.

The men soon learnt that the estaminets were the equivalent in France of the public houses at home, and thither they repaired in the evening to spend their time. Many good young men who had never taken a drop of the more invigorating liquors learnt that soldiers drank them, and the cause of teetotalism began to wane. On the 24th a move was made to Les Facons, a straggling village outside Bethune.

I attended. My superintendent, the bitter enemy of teetotalism, was in the chair, and on each side of him sat a number of men of similar feelings, and of grosser habits. I was told there was a complaint against me, to the effect that the last time I was at Chester I had preached teetotalism instead of the Gospel. I said, "Is that all?" And they answered "Yes."

Sherry, hock, and claret succeeded each other, and the Farallone champagne brought up the rear with the dessert. It was plain that, like so many of the extremely religious in the days before teetotalism, Attwater had a dash of the epicure.

This drinking of brandy, "neat," I may remark by the way, is not quite so bad as it looks. Whiskey or rum taken unmixed from a tumbler is a knock-down blow to temperance, but the little thimbleful of brandy, or Chartreuse, or Maraschino, is only, as it were, tweaking the nose of teetotalism. Well, to go back behind our brackets, the guest is calling to the waiter, "Garcon! et le bain de pieds!"

They were determined that he should be served out in some way, and that he should be prevented from appearing at the meeting. Come what would, he should not stand up and triumph in his teetotalism on the platform that they were quite resolved on. Some scheme or plan must be devised to hinder it. And fortune seemed to favour them.

To tell people that they are never to drink a glass of ale or wine themselves, or to give one to others, is cant; and the writer has no toleration for cant of any description. Some cants are not dangerous; but the writer believes that a more dangerous cant than the temperance cant, or as it is generally called, teetotalism, is scarcely to be found.

He had at times in his altitude been known to vociferate a song, of which the chorus was certainly not teetotalism: ‘“Sing old Rose, and burn the bellows, Drink and drive dull care away.”’ Bernard Barton goes on to describe the deceased yeoman as a diligent attendant at the meeting-house, a frequent and serious reader of the Bible, and the head of an orderly and well-regulated house.

I'm not a fellow who does get gone, but when I do get gone, I get so beastly gone. 'I tell you what, Percy, have a drink! 'I'm a teetotaler, you know I am. 'You talk of your heart being broken, and of your being a teetotaler in the same breath, if your heart were really broken you'd throw teetotalism to the winds. 'Do you think so, why?

The barking of a dog led me at last to the only house still occupied, where a Scots pastor and his wife pass the winter alone in this empty theatre. The place was "The Pacific Camp Grounds, the Christian Seaside Resort." Thither, in the warm season, crowds come to enjoy a life of teetotalism, religion, and flirtation, which I am willing to think blameless and agreeable.