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Our Lord often gave His apostles examples of retreats, and they cannot be too often recommended to those who labor for the salvation of their neighbors. Francis, therefore, went with some of his brethren to meditate in the convent of Celles, near Cortona.

From Amboise, Louis made a special pilgrimage to Notre Dame de Celles at Poitiers to breathe in pious solitude his own prayers of thanksgiving for the happy event. The battle of Tewkesbury stemmed the course of this abundant stream of gratitude, and there were other thanksgivings.

Sincerity seems our only security against losing those who love us, the only cup in which those who are worth keeping will care to pledge us when youth is past. Rachel was not by nature de celles qui se jettent dans l'amour comme dans un précipice. But she shut her eyes, recommended her soul to God, and threw herself over.

«Au travers de cette vallée, on voit de hautes montagnes couverte de neige, situées derriere celles qui bordent notre route. La plus haute et la plus remarquable de ces montagnes se nomme la Dent ou l'Aiguille du Midi. De l'autre côté du Rhône, on voit une autre cime aussi très-élevée, qui se nomme la Dent ou l'Aiguille de la Morele. Ces deux hautes cimes ont entr'elles une correspondance de hauteur, de forme, et même de matière tout-

At p. 435, I find "Luc, ou Fauteur quel qu'il soit du troisième Évangile"; at p. 280, the accounts of the Passion, the death and the resurrection of Jesus, are said to be "peu historiques"; at p. 283, "La valeur historique du troisième Évangile est sûrement moindre que celles des deux premiers." A Pyrrhic sort of victory for orthodoxy, this "surrender"!

Shopkeepers and peasants of Celles, of Conde, of Attichy, along the way to Berry-au-Bac and from Billy to Sermoise, all those who have now fled from the Valley of the Vesle and the valley of the Aisne had just the same story to tell monotonous, yet awful because of its tragedy. It was their fate to be along the line of death.

It was for this reason that, when anything was given him, he asked leave to give it away, if he should meet with any one poorer than himself. On the same principle, notwithstanding his infirmities, when he was at the convent at Celles, he gave another cloak, which he had received in charity, to a poor woman.

As soon as Brother Elias, the vicar-general, learnt the extreme danger in which the Father was, he came in great haste to Sienna, and proposed to him to be removed to the convent of Celles, near Cortona. Francis was very glad to see him, and was quite willing to be removed to Celles, where he was attended with great care by the relations and friends of Elias, who were of that country.

En traversant la Hongrie j'ai souvent rencontré des chariots qui portoient six, sept ou huit personnes, et il n'y avoit qu'un cheval d'attelé; car leur coutume, quand ils veulent faire de grandes journées, est de n'en mettre qu'un. Tous ont les roues de derrière beaucoup plus hautes que celles de devant. Il en est de couverts

Having spent nearly two months in preaching at Crotona, and in forming his novices at the Convent of Celles, he was inspired to pass over to a desert island in the middle of the Lake of Perugia. Lent was drawing near.