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It's a matter of a thousand francs; but for a thousand francs what can one get in modern furniture? Des platitudes bourgeoises, des misères sans valeur et sans goût." Old Mme. de Balzac was her son's factotum and universal agent. His letters from Vierzschovnia are filled with prescriptions of activity for his mother, accompanied always with the urgent reminder that she is to use cabs ad libitum.

But this is worth considering: that our nation places valour, vaillance, in the highest degree of virtue, as its very word evidences, being derived from valeur, and that, according to our use, when we say a man of high worth a good man, in our court style 'tis to say a valiant man, after the Roman way; for the general appellation of virtue with them takes etymology from vis, force.

Quand on les porte sur le front on peut imaginer des choses qui n'existent pas, et quand on les porte dans la main on peut rendre les femmes steriles. Ce sont des tresors de grande valeur. Ce sont des tresors sans prix. Et ce n'est pas tout. Dans un coffret d'ebene j'ai deux coupes d'ambre qui ressemblent a des pommes d'or.

Alas! the Bois offered all this in profusion, but for flowers Gilbert never really cared; he merely appreciated their valeur in the harmony of a landscape. He thus explained his feelings, in answer to Mr. Seeley: "My complaints about the dulness of Paris refer to the peculiar state of mind the place always induces in myself, that is, ennui.

Ashe walked with his head thrown back, thinking absently, in this centre of Venice, of English politics, and of a phrase of Metternich's he had come across in a volume of memoirs he had been lately reading on the journey: "Le jour qui court n'a aucune valeur pour moi, excepté comme la veille du lendemain. C'est toujours avec le lendemain que mon esprit lutte." The phrase pleased him particularly.

Si cette Chambre se retrempe au moins partiellement dans l'election, elle y trouvera, peut-etre, une force capable de lui assurer dans le gouvernement une part au moins egale a celle de la Chambre des Communes, au moment ou celle-ci baissera en valeur morale proportionnellement a l'extension du suffrage....

The whole imposture would soon have been discovered if anyone had possessed a peerage, but it just happened that there was not a copy in Corfu, and the French consul, a fat blockhead, like many other consuls, knew nothing of family trees. The madcap La Valeur began to walk out a week after his metamorphosis into a prince.

Il faudra peut-etre un siecle a l'Angleterre pour qu'elle connaise la valeur de son heros. Dans un siecle, l'Europe entiere saura combien Wellington a des droits a sa reconnaissance." How often in writing this paper "in a strange land," must Miss Bronte have thought of the old childish disputes in the kitchen of Haworth parsonage, touching the respective merits of Wellington and Buonaparte!

In the same letter in which Montcalm sent these lines to his mother he says: "Je vous envoie, pour vous amuser, deux chansons sur le combat du 8 Juillet, dont l'une est en style des poissardes de Paris." One of these songs, which were written by soldiers after the battle, begins, "Je chante des François La valeur et la gloire, Qui toujours sur l'Anglois Remportent la victoire.

"Le merveilleux en est moins banal et moins enfantin. II paraît cependant impossible de leur reconnaître une plus grande valeur de fond." The first two chapters are interesting for the history of Christian beliefs, not for the history of Christ.