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It was an institution for clergymen's children, a vivid picture of which appears in 'Jane Eyre. It was so badly managed and the food was so poor that many of the children fell sick, among them Maria Bronté, who died in 1825. Elizabeth followed her a few months later, and Charlotte returned to Haworth, where she remained for six years, then went to school at Roe Head for a period of three years.

One ought, indeed, to hope to the very last; and I try to do so, but occasionally hope in his case seems so fallacious." "Nov. 4th, 1845. "I hoped to be able to ask you to come to Haworth. It almost seemed as if Branwell had a chance of getting employment, and I waited to know the result of his efforts in order to say, dear , come and see us.

All those letters were written from Roe Head or Dewsbury Moor, while the Haworth letters of the same period are sane and light-hearted. And when she is fairly settled at Haworth, instead of emulating the Saints of God, she and Miss Nussey are studying human nature and the art of flirtation as exhibited by curates.

The incidents of that period formed the material of a greater portion of her novel 'Villette, filled twenty-two volumes of from sixty to one hundred pages of fine writing, and consisted of some forty complete novelettes or other stories and childish "magazines." On returning to Haworth, she endeavored, together with her sister Emily, to establish a school at their home.

Frank Hill; Lady Martin Charles Dickens Other Dramas and Minor Poems Letters to Miss Lee; Miss Haworth; Miss Flower Second Italian Journey; Naples E. J. Trelawney Stendhal. 'A Blot in the 'Scutcheon' was written for Macready, who meant to perform the principal part; and we may conclude that the appeal for it was urgent, since it was composed in the space of four or five days.

I have gone to Haworth and found an orchestra to meet me, filled with local performers, vocal and instrumental, to whom the best works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Marcello, &c. &c., were familiar as household words.

Instead of rebuking the culprit, Reuben slouched away and put as much road as possible between himself and Davy. One evening, after a long day on the moors, the party came, late in the afternoon, to the Yorkshire village of Haworth. To David it was a village like any other. He was already mortally tired of the whole business of the endless hills, the company, the bleak grey weather.

When they had been discussing their project in the quiet of Haworth Parsonage the day before, and planning the mode of setting about the business on which they were going to London, they had resolved to take a cab, if they should find it desirable, from their inn to Cornhill; but that, amidst the bustle and "queer state of inward excitement" in which they found themselves, as they sat and considered their position on the Saturday morning, they quite forgot even the possibility of hiring a conveyance; and when they set forth, they became so dismayed by the crowded streets, and the impeded crossings, that they stood still repeatedly, in complete despair of making progress, and were nearly an hour in walking the half-mile they had to go.

Lady Haworth had not been ten minutes in her bed, when she raised herself with a start to her elbow, listening with parted lips and wild eyes, her trembling fingers behind her ears. With an exclamation of horror, she cried, "There it is again, upbraiding us! I can't stay longer." She sprang from the bed, and rang the bell violently.

Nicholls paid here about a week ago, it was agreed that he was to resume the curacy of Haworth, as soon as papa's present assistant is provided with a situation, and in due course of time he is to be received as an inmate into this house. "It gives me unspeakable content to see that now my father has once admitted this new view of the case, he dwells on it very complacently.