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He first studied under Zimmermann and Kalkbrenner, and afterward under Dourlen, Barbereau, Le Sueur, and Reicha. For successive years he carried off first prizes: for the piano in 1829; for harmony, in 1830; and in 1832 the highest honor in composition was awarded him, the Prix de Rome, which allowed him to go to Italy as a government stipendiary.

He crammed the sheets into his bureau-drawer, drew on his gloves, selected a stick to his taste, gave himself a last look in the glass, and sauntered out to dinner. He had discovered a French restaurant within a kilometre of the house, where he could dine a prix fixe in a cabinet particulier for five francs, including a demi-bouteille of ordinaire. "That's something like," he declared.

Prix deux francs." This chart had been reproduced by the French Department of Marine from the one published by Flinders in England in 1799, and several copies of it had been supplied to Baudin and his officers for the use of the expedition, though it was also offered for sale. At the second interview Baudin was more inquisitive than he had been on the previous day.

"And we couldn't find the Town Hall." "Oh, Phyllis!" groaned Mrs. Hilary. Little Miss Phyllis looked alarmed for a moment. Then she smiled. "But we found the confectioner's," said she. "The Grand Prix," said I, pointing my forefinger at Hilary. "He had no money at all," said Miss Phyllis. "It's ideal!" said I. "And and we had tea on on " "The shilling?" I cried in rapture.

In addition to this, in order to be still more like a jockey, she had stuck a blue toque with a white feather jauntily upon her chignon, the fair tresses from which flowed down beyond her shoulders and resembled an enormous russet pigtail. Twelve struck. The public would have to wait more than three hours for the Grand Prix to be run.

But methinks the Doctor " "They are starting the Grand Prix," hastily interrupted the Young Fogey. "Good-bye! Such a delightful talk!" And turning his back on the horses, he hurried off the field to lose himself and perhaps find a new pair of English ears among the parasols and equipages of the sunlit Prater. What is the critic's duty at the play?

The sly chore-boy has noticed nothing, I hope, and we shall reach our goal without any hindrance. You are going to London tomorrow morning?" "Yes, count. And you? what is your direction?" "To Coblentz, to the royal princes," replied Count St. Prix. "Only I suspect that we shall not both of us reach the end of our journeys."

In his iron grip the girl stood still, breathing heavily. As he ceased speaking a great sigh came from her lips, a sigh like a sob. "Aye," she said brokenly, "I see, I see! Mary Mother! Let me go, Prix. I see." Laroux loosed her, knowing that the moment was past, and went at once about his duties of throwing the post into a state of defence.

And when she confessed her bets to him and told him how she had put ten louis on Lusignan and five on Valerio II, he shrugged his shoulders, as who should say that women did stupid things whatever happened. His action surprised her; she was quite at sea. Just then the field grew more animated than before. Open-air lunches were arranged in the interval before the Grand Prix.

Even if Mabel and Mark had never met, and she could have known Vincent as he was, the knowledge might not have taught her to love. A woman cannot give her heart as a prix Montyon, or there might be more bachelors than there are. It was an evening early in May, and Harold Caffyn was waiting at Victoria for the arrival of the Dover train, which was bringing back Mark and Mabel from the Continent.