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He was afraid that he might have betrayed his real feelings in the matter; but Caffyn was too much a man of the world to believe him: he only thought that the other either had independent means of proving his claim when he chose, or felt convinced that it would be proved for him without the necessity of committing himself to any alliance or compromise.

They could not arrive before the afternoon, and it was considered hardly worth while to walk from Great Oakhurst to Letherhead merely for the sake of an hour or two. In the morning Mrs Caffyn was so busy with her old friends that she rather tired herself, and in the evening Clara went for a stroll.

'Dolly believed every word he said, and he knew it and played on her trust in him for some horrible pleasure I suppose he found in it. No, I can never forgive him for that, Mark, never! He turned away with a spasm of conscience. If Caffyn had been a traitor, what was he? He was roused from a gloomy reverie by Mabel's light touch on his arm.

Caffyn stood looking after the carriage as it drove away with them; he had quite lost his bearings: the paper in Holroyd's hand, Mark's own behaviour in so many instances, Vincent's rapid pursuit, had all seemed to point so clearly to one conclusion yet what was he to think now?

He took up the Review Caffyn had so considerately provided for his entertainment and began to turn over the pages, more from a sense of obligation than anything else. For some time he could not keep his attention upon what he read.

'I'm sure I forget what I said I was out of temper, I remember that. I think I began by asking him for the real name of the author of the book. Again Caffyn was disappointed. 'Of course he was in a funk then; he knew he had put you into it. So you say at least; I've not read the book myself. 'It wasn't that at all, I tell you, persisted the old man obstinately; 'you weren't there, and I was.

'Do you mean this for an afternoon call, Harold? asked Mabel, who did not seem altogether pleased at his arrival. 'Yes, we're not at home now, are we Mabel? put in audacious Dolly. 'I was kept rather late at rehearsal, and I had to dine afterwards, explained Caffyn; 'but I shouldn't have come in if I had not had a commission to perform. When I have done it you can send me away.

They travel towards one another, but are waylaid and detained, and just as they are within greeting, one of them drops and dies. They left the tree and went back to the Marshalls, and then down the hill to Mrs Caffyn and Clara. Clara was much better for her rest, and early in the evening the whole party returned to Letherhead, Clara and Mrs Caffyn going on to Great Oakhurst.

We take out a selection of photographs, the oldest preferred, shuffle them, and deal round five photographs to each player, and the ugliest card in each round takes the trick. 'Oh, so much must be said for it, said Caffyn; 'it isn't a game to be played everywhere, of course; but it gives great scope for the emotions.

'No, no, replied Mark, in all sincerity; 'Caffyn doesn't know how could he? But you can't hide these things: you you may have talked about it yourself already! 'I have not talked about it! said Vincent, sharply; 'perhaps I was not too proud of having been gulled so easily. Can't you understand?