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The McAfees may be taken as a typical family of this class. The Gentry. Yet a fourth class was composed of the men of means, of the well-to-do planters, merchants, and lawyers, of the men whose families already stood high on the Atlantic slope. The Marshalls were such men; and there were many other families of the kind in Kentucky.

They teach us that all other professions must take care of themselves; that God allows anybody to be a doctor, a lawyer, statesman, soldier, or artist; that the Motts and Coopers the Mansfields and Marshalls the Wilberforces and Sumners the Angelos and Raphaels were never honored by a "call." These chose their professions and won their laurels without the assistance of the Lord.

"What more can I say for you than that?" such seemed to be the meaning of the expression now on her face. "My father" began Jane; she was loud, slow, deliberate, emphatic. What could the woman mean by receiving her in such a fashion? Were the Marshalls mere upstarts, nobodies, newcomers, that they must be snubbed and turned aside in any such way as this?

The Vannis often said that Ántonia was the best dancer of them all. I sometimes heard murmurs in the crowd outside the pavilion that Mrs. Harling would soon have her hands full with that girl. The young men began to joke with each other aboutthe Harlings’ Tonyas they did aboutthe Marshalls’ Annaorthe Gardeners’ Tiny.” Ántonia talked and thought of nothing but the tent.

She was going on, as in decency bound, to add that it would be also rather a large order for the Marshalls to adopt a notably "difficult" boy, when Judith broke in with a blunt divination of what was in her aunt's mind. "You'd have to wash dishes if you came to our house," she said, "and help peel potatoes, and weed the celery bed." "I'd like it!" declared Arnold. "We'd have lots of fun."

"No, I never did," acknowledged Truesdale, grimly. By these and other such subterfuges did Gladys keep her epistolary hand in, until the time came when she really had something of consequence to communicate. Once or twice she also regaled him with the comments of the Beldens on the building projects of the Marshalls.

I would do anything in the world for him anything." "Where have you met him, Priscilla?" "At the Marshalls', and once at the Elliot-Smiths', and to-day, when I was so miserable, when the bogie ran after me, you know, at St. Hilda's, just outside the chapel. Mr. Hammond asked me to come to the service, and I went, and afterward he chased the bogie away.

But she only pouted, and said, 'When one looks at you, Miss Garston, one cannot help telling you things: they all tumble out without one's will. That is what Gladys means when she says you have a sympathetic face. I wish you would get her to talk to you. As Lady Betty persisted in haunting the Marshalls' cottage, I determined to make her useful.

"And did you notice his novels? They were in every language. It must be terribly lonely down here, for a man like that." "He's the first of our consuls we've met on this trip," growled her father, "that we've caught sober." "Sober!" exclaimed his wife indignantly. "He's one of the Marshalls of Vermont. I asked him." "I wonder," mused Hanley, "how much the place is worth?

Spooner's friends, in obtaining a very good portrait of the blind old man, as he sat there, perfectly unconscious of what was going on. I believe this was the only portrait ever taken. At the death of Mr. George Attwood which preceded that of Mr. Spooner by some years the firm had been re-constituted, and became Attwood, Spooner, Marshalls, and Co. The partners in the new firm were Mr.