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At 5:25, Penny Crain, Karen Marshall, Carolyn Drake, and Flora Miles, who had been requisitioned by Dundee to play the part of the murdered woman, were seated at table No. 2, and behind Karen's chair stood Lois Dunlap. Clive Hammond and his new wife were again together in the solarium. But there Dundee's restaging of the original scene in the tragic drama ended.

Before he could touch it, however, she swept it back, revealing her face. "You're not Majesty Hammond?" How strange stranger than anything that had ever happened to her before was it to hear that name on the lips of this cowboy! It was a name by which she was familiarly known, though only those nearest and dearest to her had the privilege of using it.

Hammond met them in a manner that showed she had not become very anxious, and Rhoda had warned her friends to say little in her mother's hearing about their strange experience. Nor was anything said to Mrs. Hammond regarding the raid by the Mexican horse thieves. She supposed her husband was absent from the house because of the tornado. That, of course, had scattered the cattle tremendously.

Then said Hammond: "Does anything especially puzzle you about our way of living, now you have heard a good deal and seen a little of it?" Said I: "I think what puzzles me most is how it all came about." "It well may," said he, "so great as the change is.

They all trooped out with their bundles at last. "My goodness!" laughed Bess, "we look like a gang of Italian immigrants being taken by a padrone into the woods. Only we should wear shawls over our heads instead of hats." They went merrily along the streets to the point from which the car for Freeling started, and lo! there was Rhoda Hammond. She had evidently missed the previous car.

Lesbia told herself that her heart was a sepulchre, an urn which held a handful of ashes, the ashes of her passion for John Hammond. It was a fire quite burned out, she thought; but that extinguished flame had left death-like coldness.

Tracey Miles, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Drake, Mrs. Dunlap, Janet Raymond, Polly Beale, Clive Hammond, and At that point Penny hesitated, then rather stiffly included the "Broadway" man, as "Mr. Dexter Sprague of New York." "Thank you, Miss Crain," Dundee said. "Now will you please tell me, if you know, whether all those invited to both the bridge party and the cocktail party are here?"

The surprised soldiers recoiled and fell into confusion; and they were for the second time saved from disaster by the gallantry of Colonel Hammond, who with voice and action rallied them, endeavoring to keep them firm while a detachment was sent to clamber up the rocks and outflank the Indians.

Acton said once a week, and so also Hammond, even for healthy men between the ages of twenty-five and forty. Fürbringer only slightly exceeds this estimate by advocating from fifty to one hundred single acts in the year. Forel advises two or three times a week for a man in the prime of manhood, but he adds that for some healthy and vigorous men once a month appears to be excess.

"At least, he does not claim to be, and they usually do, you know," chuckled Mr. Hammond. "But about this thing " "You read it! Then I will tell you something," said the girl soberly, and she refused to explain further. "You amaze me," said the puzzled manager. "If that old codger has succeeded in turning out anything worth while, I certainly shall believe that 'wonders never cease."