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«Dans la partie de la vallée s'observent ces phénomènes, on marche toujours entre deux montagnes resserrées, dont les nuage dérobent souvent les cimes, mais par-tout les eaux de quelque torrent considérable viennent se réunir

Suppose our excellent friend has invented him up in London, and brings him down with his character for wealth to prey upon the innocent folks here?" "J'y ai souvent pense, milor," says the little Baron, placing his finger to his nose very knowingly, "that Baroness is capable of anything." "A Baron a Baroness, que voulez-vous, my friend? I mean the late lamented husband. Do you know who he was?"

All at once between her and the church there shone a light on the right hand, unlike anything she had ever seen before; and out of it came a voice equally unknown and wonderful. What did the voice say? Only the simplest words, words fit for a child, no maxim or mandate above her faculties "Jeanne, sois bonne et sage enfant; va souvent a l'eglise." Jeanne, be good!

It is the whole of women, who are guided by nothing else: and it has so much to say, even with men, and the ablest men too, that it commonly triumphs in every struggle with the understanding. Monsieur de Rochefoucault, in his "Maxims," says, that 'l'esprit est souvent la dupe du coeur. If he had said, instead of 'souvent, tresque toujours', I fear he would have been nearer the truth.

The eagerness to obtain room was so great, that indecorous and even scandalous scenes took place among the wives of the populace; they quarrelled for chairs and seats with a ferocity, qui les mettoit souvent hors du cercle de la politesse civile et Chretienne."

Notre manuscrit a, pour son orthographe, le défaut qu'ils ont la plupart, c'est que, dans certains noms, elle varie souvent d'une page

"'L'exemple souvent n'est qu'un miroir trompeur; Quelquefois l'un se brise ou l'autre s'est sauve, Et par ou l'un perit, un autre est conserve,"* answered Dubois, out of "Cinna." * "Example is often but a deceitful mirror, where sometimes one destroys himself, while another comes off safe; and where one perishes, another is preserved." "Corneille is right," rejoined the Regent.

She wished she had never heard of Felix Kennaston. Souvent femme varie, my brothers. However, "Yes," said Margaret.. "You are a dear," said Mr. Kennaston, with conviction in his voice. I dare say Margaret was surprised. But the poet had taken her hand and had kissed it reverently, and then sat down beside her, twisting one foot under him in a fashion he had.

"Lorsque je protestais contre les idees fausses qu'on se faisait de nous, on m'a dit si souvent: 'Oh! mais, vous n'etes pas francais, vous! Le mot est bien caracteristique. Un Francais qui ne repond pas a l'idee qu'on se fait de sa nation, c'est une exception.

All Paris knew his verses in which he did not conceal his ardent love for Ninon, and in which were expressed the highest admiration for her estimable qualities and the depth of her philosophy. He now proceeded to take back everything good he had said about her and made fun of her love, her friendship, and her attainments. He ridiculed her in every possible manner, even charging up against her beauty, her age. A verse or so will enable the reader to understand his methods: "Il ne faut pas qu'on s'étonne, Si souvent elle raisonne De la sublime vertu Dont Platon fut revêtu: Car