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Emile will stick to us. Adolf, too. The fresh flock will come. Aminta cried in the voice of tears: 'I love the old so! 'The likelihood is, we shall hear nothing further. 'You had to bear the shock, Matthew. 'Whatever I bore, and you saw, you shared. 'Yes, she said. 'Mais, n'oublions pas que c'est aujourd'hui jour francais; si, madame, vous avez assez d'appetit pour diner avec nous?

The girl was furious, but determined to say nothing, hoping by her scornful silence to drive off her admirer. He persisted, however, in his unwelcome attentions. "Peut-être madamoiselle does not schpick Français. I can parler a leetle Eenglesh, mais pas beaucoup." Judy rose from her seat, overcome with indignation and a slight feeling of fear.

I mused over the tombs of Molière and La Fontaine; Massena, Mortier and Lefebre; General Foy and Casimir Perier; and finally descended to the shrine where Abelard reposes by the side of his Heloise. In the Theatre Français, I saw Rachel, the actress. She appeared in the character of "Virginia," in a tragedy of that name, by the poet Latour.

It was on the 10th of August that I was escorted on board the transport which was to take us to England, and behold me before the end of the month in the great prison which had been built for us at Dartmoor! 'L'hôtel Français, et Pension, we used to call it, for you understand that we were all brave men there, and that we did not lose our spirits because we were in adversity.

Being arrived at this exalted position, there is no end of the feats which Cartouche performed; and his band reached to such a pitch of glory, that if there had been a hundred thousand, instead of a hundred of them, who knows but that a new and popular dynasty might not have been founded, and "Louis Dominic, premier Empereur des Francais," might have performed innumerable glorious actions, and fixed himself in the hearts of his people, just as other monarchs have done, a hundred years after Cartouche's death.

When, overcome with fatigue, I have found myself in the rear of the colors, and when the musketry was rattling in the front ranks, many a time I heard a voice, which whispered in my ear, 'Leave the others to fight, and for today take care of your own hide! But then, that word Francais! murmured within me, and I pressed forward to help my comrades.

We travelled across many rivers, suffering much from want, until those who lived wandered to this place, and here set up once more our fathers' ancient altars. 'T was thus I learned the words of the tongue, this accursed Français, and learned also to hate those with white faces and black hearts who speak it." His voice ceased, and his chin sank wearily upon his breast.

Auber came, pretending that he had been invited as one of the children. When he heard them all chattering in French, English, and German, he said, "Cela me fait honte, moi qui ne parle que le francais." He was most delighted to see the children, and seated himself at the piano and played some sweet little old-fashioned polkas and waltzes, to which the children danced.

This theatre, which was begun in 1787, was finished in 1790, when, all privileges having been done away, it was first opened by a company of French comedians, who played tragedy and comedy. It then took the name of Theatre Francais de la Rue de Richelieu, which street was afterwards and is now called Rue de la Loi.

He is German, I think to myself, making a mental note of his complexion, strangely fair for a yachtsman the eyes heavily fringed blue eyes the full-lipped, sensuous mouth, shapely of its kind, shadowed by a curling blond moustache. "You are going home round Robin Hood's barn, aren't you?" "Robeen Hoohd? Pardon, vill you tell me who is he en français?"